23 arrested for illicit extraction of lead from batteries
View(s):Twenty-three persons were arrested last week at a forest reserve by the Wanathavillu police for extracting lead from old vehicle batteries.

Police found over 400,000 used bateries at the illict extraction ites
Lead is a highly toxic metal that produces a range of adverse health effects particularly in young children and is environmentally hazardous.
The activities have been carried out at a private property in the Mengil Aru in Wanathavillu.
Police recovered over 400,000 vehicle batteries during the raid.During the raid police learned the batteries had been collected from diverse areas and women were employed to extract the lead.
According to police, workers had been exposed to lead fumes over a considerable period of time during the process of lead extraction and have been exposed to a number of health hazards.
The owners of the business are reportedly from Chilaw.
Police said processing materials and lead bars were taken to custody whilst they added the dumping of waste from the boiler posed environmental damage and risks.
Deputy Director of the Environment Authority D.M.K. Dissanayake of the Puttalam District told the Sunday Times that lead extraction was environmentally hazardous, and “no one was permitted to extract lead without licence”.
The suspects and the owners were granted bail and noticed to appear in Court on Tuesday (24th).
The raid was carried out on instructions of Messrs Champika Siriwardena DIG Puttalam, and Asst. Suptd S.D. Sandanayake. Mr. Sagara Liyanage, OIC Wanathavillu, and PC Attapattu participated in the raid.
Text and Pix by Hiran Priyankara Jayasinghe

These unsuspecting innocents did not have a clue to the dangers they were being exposed to

Section of the lead extracted at the site

Refuse is being dumped into large pits endangering ground water sources