This section of Hamilton Canal drowning in neglect and disrepair
View(s):A part of the Hamilton canal, or commonly known as Dutch canal, running from the Negombo lagoon upto the Maha Oya estuary at Poruthota is in a state of neglect and disrepair in spite of a Holland Government fund setup for its maintenance.

Fences, banana trees that after a while fall into the water
This part of the canal in Negombo is a tourist attraction but people living on either side of the canal show little appreciation of this historical canal making it an eye sore, with the water turning murky due to pollution.
In addition illegal and unsightly structures, fences, trees that break off and fall into the water and block the free flow of water have made the canal an eyesore. If people are more appreciative of the canal it could be made into a bigger tourist attraction with cafes and resorts being built on either side.
Damayanthi Fernando a mother of two who lives by the canal at Palangathure complained that many who live by the side of the canal are the very people who are destroying it. “The canal is part of our life. We should preserve this historical canal for future generations. It is our people who pollute it. They pile their waste even logs and branches on the bank. After a few days they are in the canal floating here and there,” she said.
The Negombo Municipality has marked a reservation area of 15 feet from the canal. In some sections the govt. had built a dam on either side of the canal.
“But now this too has stopped and at least if that project is completed, it would not only benefit us but add more beauty and attract more tourists too,” Damayanthi said.
One of the main problems that the people living on either side face is the overflowing of the drains that carry rain water into the canal. There are about 50 sub-surface drains and during the rains the area goes under water posing the threat of diseases like dengue.
At some places the drains are blocked , narrowed and logged with human waste and shrubs. A resident said in the 55 years he has lived there only once has he seen the authorities cleaning those drains. He also complained that towards the sea side some people have even built constuctions on these drains whereas there should be a reservation area on both sides.
The Hamilton Canal or Dutch Canal is a 14.5 km canal connecting Colombo to Negombo.
-K.L.Richard Walter Perera

Attempting to clean up the floating debris

A scene of neglect