Sri Lanka and Indian Ocean foreign policy

The vision of Sri Lanka as an Indian Ocean state has been evolving over the years. Initially this notion was familiar mainly to archaeologists and historians dealing with the material evidence found in ancient sites like Mantai as well as written accounts, oral stories, maps, etc from early foreign sources, East and West. At independence, [...]
The crisis facing India’s Supreme Court
(BBC) – India’s Supreme Court has been witness recently to some extraordinary developments over the handling of alleged corruption by a retired high court judge. There have been open differences between its most senior judges over petitions seeking an independent investigation into corruption charges involving a blacklisted medical college. Federal investigators had accused retired judge [...]
Climate change adaptation: Disaster risk reduction and catchment conservation

Disasters are no longer a relief response issue but a development issue. Source area protection was a key element in ensuring the availability of adequate and sustainable water resources for livelihood needs in ancient times and an integral component in Sri Lanka’s ancient hydraulic civilization dating over 2,500 years. Gradual encroachment into the hill country [...]
Catalonia’s star casts its shadow over Europe

The disputed referendum in the province of Catalonia on October 1 for secession has caused Spain to invoke special constitutional powers to evict the regional government of Catalonia based in Barcelona. According to the Government of Madrid only 43% of Catalonians have voted at the referendum while most opponents of secession, 2/3rds, did not participate [...]
A global plan to end malaria
ABU DHABI – No one should die from a preventable disease. Yet preventable diseases kill two million children every year, many of whom are too poor to afford proper treatment. The majority of these deaths are either treatable with existing medicines, or avoidable in the first place. Malaria, a life-threatening disease transmitted by mosquitoes, is [...]
Constitutional reforms: The best chance to solve ethnic issue

Extract from the Address of Rt. Revd. Dhiloraj Canagasabey, Bishop of Colombo to the 132nd Annual Sessions of the Diocese of Colombo, Church of Ceylon. He spoke on the topic the Church and the Nation. Each year, both in the report of the Standing Committee of our Diocese and in my own Charge we turn [...]
A.M.A. Azeez and his vision for national unity

“The Reminiscences of A.M.A. Azeez: 1911 – 1973” by Marina Ismail must find an invaluable place in the library of every scholar, intellectual and educationist. This unfolds a sequence of events that will help to initiate a process of national integration with all the religions and races bound together by invincible bonds of enduring peace, [...]
Captured by a cloud

State Literary Award and Gratiaen Prize-winning author, Aditha Dissanayake, has brought us yet another compelling novel that compliments her fascinating debut work, ‘Somewhere in the Green Hills.’ Her new novel ‘When a Cloud Left the Sky’ will captivate readers and hold them hostage until the last page with its awesome storytelling, captivating prose, vivid settings, [...]
Int’l symposium on traditional and complementary medicine, educational exhibition and trade fair

A three-day International Symposium on Traditional and Complementary Medicine, Educational Exhibition and Trade Fair, ‘TradMed International 2017 – Sri Lanka’ organised by the Health, Nutrition and Indigenous Medicine Ministry in collaboration with the World Health Organization and the Sri Jayewardenepura University will be held on November 23, 24 and 25 at the Water’s Edge Hotel. [...]
Asia Pacific Disaster Management symposium opens in Colombo on Wednesday
Asia Pacific Alliance for Disaster Management (A-PAD) Sri Lanka will host the 4th International Symposium on November 22 at the Hilton, Colombo, under the theme “Urban Resilience: Building Inclusive and Competitive Cities Amidst Disasters”. A-PAD SL affiliated to A-PAD Japan is aimed at coordinating and supporting disaster preparedness, mitigation, disaster risk reduction, capacity-building and relief [...]
Sri Lanka China in the Eyes of Photographers
In commemoration of the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Sri Lanka, a photographic exhibition titled “Sri Lanka and China in the Eyes of Photographers” will be held November 23 and 24 at the J.D.A. Perera Gallery of the University of Visual and Performing Arts at no 46, Horton place [...]
Light from the blind

The singers in this visually handicapped choir — LUMEN SINGERS — come from poor and destitute backgrounds. They have been trained over the years and have been singing at leading hotels in and around Colombo and other areas. The choir was initiated by Rienzie Benedict, a social justice crusader, who passed away in January this [...]
Farewell dinner to India’s Assistant High Commissioner

The Kalyana-Sri Lanka-India Cultural Association organised a farewell dinner to India’s Assistant High Commissioner Radha Venkatarman at Earl’s Regency Hotel in Kandy. Picture shows YMMA Central Tennekumbura President S.M. Nazar, Vice President M.A. Raheem, General Secretary M. Nagoorpichai, Z.M. Zarook with Mr. and Ms. Venkataraman, who served in the High Commission’s Kandy office.
Aid for North Borella development programme

Western Provincial Councillor and Borella’s Chief UNP Organiser Jayantha de Silva took part in a programme to develop the North Borella Grama Niladhari division. Mr de Silva allocated Rs 4.5 m from the Government Fund for the programme at a ceremony held at the Serpentine Housing Scheme recently.
Sugarcraft show at BMICH

R. L. Clement, an expert in sugarcraft, will hold a Mal-Mee sugarcraft exhibition on November 25 and 26 at the Nugasevena Hall in the BMICH premises. Sugar dolls, sugar plants and sugar flower arrangements will be on display, in addition to cupcakes, royal icing wedding structures. The event will also include sugarcraft workshops on both [...]