Capturing winning ‘lines’ and ‘motion’
Ashen Milinda Marasinghe was adjudged the grand winner of the Canon Photomarathon 2017 held last month for the second time in Sri Lanka, in partnership with Metropolitan Photo Hub. He won a Canon EOS 6D M2 DSLR camera and a trip to Japan to take part in the Canon Photo Marathon Asia competing with other winners of the Asian Region.

Ashen Milinda Marasinghe (centre) receiving his prize at the award ceremony. Pic by Priyantha Wickramaarachchi
“I am really happy to have won this photomarathon. The time frame they put on was a challenge. But prior to the start of the challenge we were tutored on how to get the human element in photography. I think I learned a lot from that,” Ashen said, adding that the Canon Photomarathon Asia to be held in Japan next year will admittedly be very tough, but “it is my hope to do my best and learn further.”
In the Open category, the first runner-up was Gayan Asela Jayathileke, awarded a Canon EOS 80D DSLR and the second runner up was G.D.S. Sandaruwan Kumara who walked away with a 800D DSLR camera.
Held throughout the day, at the Park Street Mews, the event tested the participants’ creativity and skill. Contestants had to go out and capture what caught their eye in two themes. First they roamed the city to capture scenes according to theme ‘lines’ and in the latter half of the day, the theme ‘motion’.
G. Laknith Pathmaperuma won the student category and was presented with an EOS 800D by Managing Director of Metropolitan, Taslim Rahaman, with T.S.H.Weerarathne adjudged the first runner-up and T.M.R.G. Sunath Renuja, second runner-up.
Seven students were chosen as high performers: S. Kavindya Walvitigala, T.D. Hiranya Pieris, Dulani S. Weerasekara, K.G. Pavan Fernando, S.Sansalee De Silva, Akheel Ali, H.M.J. Chathumal Herath.
All proceeds of the Photomarathon were given to the Sri Lanka Council for the Blind.
The panel of three judges comprised International Travel Photography judge, Teoh Peng Kee; Chandrasena Perera of the Photographic Society of Sri Lanka and Director of the National Association of Photographers Sri Lanka, Priyantha Amarasinghe.