Home » Magazine » ArtsAARYAA: Chic and comfy for the modern you

AARYAA, the new chic clothing store, opened its doors last fortnight at Stratford Avenue, Colombo 5 in the Gandhara building, launching its designer brand AARYAA and showcasing its own designer creations. From smart cool casuals to elegant evening wear, the designers’ accent was to clothe the wearer in comfortable attire. Their philosophy: Classy plus Comfy [...]
Down a healthy juice and snack on fruits

A newcomer to Colombo’s food scene, Kurumba caters to the juice and smoothie bowl trend hitting the city. Located on Elvitigala Mawatha (Baseline Road) in Narahenpita, Kurumba opened on October 30. “Growing up juice was a big thing at home. We weren’t allowed to drink fizzy drinks,” says 22-year-old Adhil Marikar, who together with his [...]
Living in a familiar land of picketocracy

A young Sri Lankan orphan gets caught in a flood and lands in an alternate reality – a ‘picketocracy’ where the country runs on picketing. He travels through the country with the help of a prisoner, a prison guard and a lady tuk driver and sees the many issues facing people. There is the student [...]