Dedicated teachers in village school offer night classes for O/L students
Determined that their students sitting this month’s GCE Ordinary Level examination should pass with flying colours, the principal and teachers in a Matale village school are conducting daily night classes.

Principal D.J.S Jayasinghe: Going beyond the call of duty
A teacher said the night classes were started a few years ago to assist O/L students and now it had become a tradition.
About 160 students benefit from these extra classes. Expressing deep gratitude to the dedicated teachers, parents welcome the exercise saying they do not have to send their children to tuition classes and it is a big saving on their meagre income.
At the night classes, the teachers discuss past papers with students and share useful tips for the examination.
Principal D.J.S Jayasinghe said the teachers conduct the night classes free of charge and parents of the students have extended their support by providing refreshments and other facilities.
Mr. Jayasinghe who teaches mathematics during school hours also conducts the night classes, going beyond the call of official duties to impart education.
He said that as a result of the night classes, the O/L students spend 15 hours a day on studies.

More than 160 students benefit from the night classes

Mr. Jayasinghe: Conducting night classes in addition to teaching Maths during school hours