The cabinet this week approved plans to provide concessionary loans to students who are taking external degree courses due to unavailability of space in state run universities, Cabinet Spokesman Gayantha Karunathilake said. He said students are to be provided loans to a maximum of Rs. 800,000 without any interest payment. Mr. Karunathilake said that in [...]


University student loans for external degrees


The cabinet this week approved plans to provide concessionary loans to students who are taking external degree courses due to unavailability of space in state run universities, Cabinet Spokesman Gayantha Karunathilake said.

He said students are to be provided loans to a maximum of Rs. 800,000 without any interest payment. Mr. Karunathilake said that in parallel to the concessionary loan, they planned to provide loans worth of 1.1 million to students who study for the Bachelor of Education from non-governmental higher education institutes.

He said the government has planned to even provide an extra Rs.75,000 to students for extra expenses. He said that for a three year degree a student would be provided Rs.1.025 million while a for a four year degree 1.1 million would be provided.

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