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When he was young, he spent many days in bed recovering from bouts of asthma. While many would cite similar experiences as a reason why they did not succeed in later life, young Tuan Careem does just the opposite. “I used to get sick a lot when I was small so I would have to spend [...]
Tackling a forbidden topic

It’s an issue which is normally not discussed and this is one of the reasons young film-maker Rehan Mudannayake chose to explore it through his latest film which he hopes will get his viewers thinking. The premiere of Red Mustang was held at the National Film Corporation recently. Written and directed by Rehan Mudanayake, the [...]
Pond’s Institute comes to Sri Lanka

Ponds Institute that boasts the latest in face care combining state-of-the-art technological innovations with science was launched in Colombo recently. Pond’s Institute is already established in cities such as Tokyo, Madrid, New York, Karachchi, Shanghai and Manila. “The Pond’s Institute holds over 200 patents and has introduced many firsts in anti-ageing management, cleansing and skin [...]