Sri Lanka Football – New Year resolutions for 2018 and beyond!
It seems opportune to open a discussion of a model or plan for Sri Lanka Football (SLF). While it may seen presumptuous to suggest a model or plan to the powers of Football House, KornerKick has had the privilege of talking to a broad cross section of experienced football administrators and the football fraternity at large.
This country is praying that we turn the corner and put together a cohesive and concentrated plan together; put aside our differences and make a resolution to support the efforts of the FFSL leadership and assist those at the helm to develop and deliver a better more promising Football future for all those youngsters who love the sport and intend staying with it.
The following resolutions are worthy of consideration and is shared so that all may consider, comment, and cooperate.
It is important for the FFSL to publish a code of conduct and performance so that a broad framework and sustainable practices can be initiated and implemented!
Introduction of the FIFA model constitution is still languishing while the current constitution is obsolete and requires urgent amendments if at all!
Executive Committee
Accountability of executive committee members in fulfilling tasks assigned to each of them and they need to be monitored.
Foreign jaunts should be justified and covered by reports of attendance and programmes so that the football fraternity can benefit from such representation.
While all Ex Co positions are honourary in nature, it is not clear as to who actually runs the FFSL administration. With the role of a CEO mothballed at present, one wonders how the FFSL operates effectively.
Regional Administration
Maintaining a League structure is redundant except for the preservation of a vote bank and that too without guarantees! So what is the benefit of a expansive regional structure if it does not benefit football development.
With a sum in excess of Rs.25 million still ‘unrecovered’, what financial capacity does the FFSL have in the short term? Merely, depending on FIFA and AFC handouts without sound business revenue plans limits growth and results in ad hoc activities.
No news has transpired about the FIFA sponsored Horst Krieter proposals as yet. It is a known fact that the many in the Ex Co are not even aware of it. Without a technical development plan, the quality of our football will remain third rate for a long time to come.
An ill-planned competition calendar only perpetuates tournaments and matches that have hardly any bearing on the development of the game.
What is needed is a football season and well knit formats including a semi-pro league designed to improve the competitive stature of our national teams.
It is time that the FFSL realised that sponsorship is not marketing. For marketing to work, the product (Football) needs intensive quality control.
Gate Revenues must be vigorously pursued and all allied opportunities identified and managed by competent persons. The cheap DCL giveaway to Dialog demands review!
The mass media must be harnessed to drive brand equity for Sri Lanka Football. Such an effort will require expert orchestration to build a fan base and promote interaction at all levels.
Junior Program
We all know and profess the start them young theory but the neglect and lack of cooperation among key stakeholders undermines the task. National Football Academies are perhaps the answer but will require adequate funds
Women’s Football
Without a broad based league and club involvement, Women’s Football has grave limitations. Focus hereto should be on the youth segment to begin a sustainable long term program. All other pretensions are highly suspect!
Engaging in international competitions is an embarrassment. While officials globe-trot on meaningless programmes, our national players are overwhelmed by strong competing nations. For a start, the FFSL should resurrect the once popular Indo-SL Interstate competition involving Indian States like Mysore, Andra Pradesh, Kolkatta, etc pitted against a SL team (Presidents Eleven).
Ministry of Sports
The MOS is the regulator for all sports including Football. The Minister recently undertook an overseas visit to negotiate SLBA entry into the IBA; an interim body was set up to manage affairs until elections were called.
The Minister also went on to say that he will not hesitate to put Cricket under an interim committee if the downturn continued. Sadly, Football does not appear to have his attention for a strange reason.
We recently read in the media that the World Cup cavalcade sponsored by Coca Cola was going to pass by Sri Lanka on its way to Russia. A typical sidesteps for a nation lying in bottom of FIFA rankings. But such are the ways of our big daddy’s who are very adept at conjuring illusions of grandeur without first putting the house in order. It won’t hurt for H E the President to mildly ask his MOS what he should do with the World Cup in his hands while Sri Lanka languishes in the doldrums of football rankings. Cannot we use the opportunity for FFSL and MOS to seek the President’s favour and launch a semi-pro league for the Presidents Cup!
That may well be the moment we are waiting for to initiate a meaningful national initiative for Football and attract the nations support for this beloved but neglected sport.
KornerKick is back in business this New Year. The goal is clear. Football cannot be left to whims of mandarins at Football House only! All Sri Lankans who love this sport must rally round our National Teams and help bring the glory back.
Send your comments to; keep the discussion alive!