Since the operationalising of the Right to Information (RTI) Act, No 12 of 2016, a year ago, Sri Lanka’s first Right to Information Commission has seen a noteworthy increase in the number of appeals being filed before it. In a statement, the commission said during the previous month alone, the varied information that was obtained [...]


RTI Commission sees increase in number of appeals, spells out first year achievements


Since the operationalising of the Right to Information (RTI) Act, No 12 of 2016, a year ago, Sri Lanka’s first Right to Information Commission has seen a noteworthy increase in the number of appeals being filed before it.

In a statement, the commission said during the previous month alone, the varied information that was obtained included the documents connected to an inquiry into charges of sexual harassment against a senior military officer, acquisition of land by various state authorities, statistical data on rehabilitated former Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) cadres, local council approvals for irregular buildings and criteria on which promotions were granted in state institutions.

This week, the Commission issued an order to the Sri Lanka Bureau of Foreign Employment to release the memoranda of understanding and agreements between Sri Lanka and Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Kuwait, in view of the public interest in protecting the rights of Sri Lankan citizens who work in those countries.

While the positive advancements are many, the Commission, however, notes with concern that certain public authorities have yet not appointed their information officers (IOs) or named their designated officers (DOs) as required by the Act.

It also notes that some public authorities have evaded providing information by frequently asking for extensions of time to submit information that ought to be legitimately given. “It is a matter for regret that defaulting public authorities in this regard include institutions that should be in the forefront of promoting the values of RTI in enhancing education and civic participation in the democratic process,” the Commission said.

Though confusion in regard to the appointments of IOs and DOs as well as adherence to time lines in giving information may be somewhat flexible in the first few months of the operationalisation of the Act, that time period has now long passed, the statement said.

While the Commission would exercise its powers to initiate prosecutions under the Act sparingly, a pattern of evasive behaviour on the part of public authorities would need to be responded to appropriately, including by publicly naming such entities in reports submitted to Parliament, the Commission warned.

By October 2017, the Commission had released information in 37 appeals involving full length hearings of the public authorities and citizens with close to 220 proper appeals being received by it. Some 218 appellants had to be requested to remedy their appeals due to various flaws such as directly coming to the Commission following a decision of the Information Officer rather than appealing to the Designated Officer as required by the Act.

As of February 3, 2018, the Commission had dealt with 411 perfected appeals, with 350 cases being concluded/pending/listed before it for hearing. Information has been released in a majority of the appeals (81). A few dismissals of vexatious appellants have also been recorded along with a decrease in defective appeals. This was because the appeal process was gradually becoming more familiar to citizens.

All the orders of the Commission are available on its trilingual website, Detailed reasons for the release of information are made public. The Commission considers this important so that Public Authorities and the general public could become aware that a balance is being struck between the public interest underlying the principle of maximum disclosure and considerations of privacy, along with other narrowly specified grounds on which information may be denied.

While many appeals deal with maladministration in government, a significant percentage relates to procurement issues, wastage of public funds, inefficient service delivery and information on development projects. Almost a quarter concerned human resource disputes in public authorities over issues such as lack of transparency arising in the conducting of exams and awarding of promotions.

The other most frequent area in which appeals were lodged was with regard to land and property disputes. In addition an increasing number of appeals concern school admissions and administration.

The Commission is also mandated by the Act to provide advice on the process by which information is released, even though advice may not be given on the subject matter of an information request. This may come up before the Commission on appeal. The most frequent requests for advice on processes of information seeking and giving under the Act come from local government bodies, divisional secretariats and public enterprises.

In 2018, as the Commission gets its independent Fund voted on by Parliament as required in terms of Section 16 of the Act, it will engage in greater public outreach with entities obliged by the Act to provide information, the statement said.

It added: It is also encouraging to note that many public authorities have already sent in their annual reports to the Commission as required under the Act.

Greater compliance with Sections 8 and 9 of the Act that specify proactive disclosure in regard to budgets, public services, expenditures, procurement processes and prior disclosures from specific requests in line with the guidelines of the Commission (available on needs to be evidenced during the coming months, the statement said.

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