‘Study in India’ Education Fair attracts local students

Local students were seen enthusiastically attending the ‘Study in India’ Education Fair held at the BMICH recently. This year’s Fair, supported by the Indian High Commission in Colombo, was under the theme “World class Education at affordable cost”, and attracted a large number of students, especially Advanced Level students and school leavers. Pic by M.D. [...]
Bonus marks at term tests for excelling in sports: MoE
The Ministry of Education (MoE) has instructed school Principals to award extra marks at term tests to students who have excelled in sports related extra curricular activities. The MoE said this move was to encourage students to participate in at least one sport while in school, and is to be implemented in both National and [...]
Geometry a ‘bogey’ subject to GCE O/L candidates
The Ministry of Education (MoE) is concerned over students’ reluctance to choose Geometry questions at the GCE Ordinary Level examinations. The Mathematics branch of the MoE is organising a dialogue to improve the teaching of Geometry and make it more interesting to students. “Assessment reports by the Exams Dept show that students avoid Geometry related [...]
Infrastructure development at 4 Universities
The Cabinet this week approved proposals to develop infrastructure facilities at 4 Universities. Higher Education & Highways Minister Lakshman Kiriella said construction of 2 buildings with 3 storeys for the University of Jaffna, construction of a 3-storeyed lecture hall for the Faculty of Technology at the University of Ruhuna, construction of staff quarters at the [...]
Over 19,000 new Teachers this year
This year the Ministry of Education (MoE) intends to recruit over 19,000 teachers, including graduates, for both, National and Provincial schools islandwide, said a senior MoE official. Most of them, 4,658 will be GCE Advanced Level qualified teachers. Of them, 1,360 will be assigned to National schools while the rest will be appointed to Provincial [...]
Swashakthi Arts Festival for the differently-abled
“We love to enjoy-give us a chance to be happy” was the theme of Swashakthi, an organisation formed by persons with special needs in the Navagaththegama Divisional Secretariat area. The organization conducts an annual Arts Festival that highlights the talents of the differently-abled. Shanika Sewwandi trained those at Swashakthi, to dance and act using sign [...]
Emergency water supplies to schools in drought-hit areas
Schools in the Puttalam, Kurunegala, Anuradhapura, Polonnaruwa and Mannar Districts severely affected by the present drought, are being provided with water tanks and have water pumped frequently, the Disaster Management Centre (DMC) said. “Water to drought-stricken schools is supplied with the support of the National Water Supply & Drainage Board, he said, adding that NWSDB [...]
USAID, YouLead to expand employment opportunities for Central Province youth
US Department of State Deputy Assistant Secretary for South & Central Asian Affairs, Daniel Rosenblum who was in Colombo recently, opened the Kandy YouLead office which will help expand employment opportunities for youth in the Central Province (CP). Funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and implemented in partnership with the Ministry [...]
150th birth anniversary of Sir D.B. Jayatilleke
The 150th birth anniversary of Sir D.B. Jayatilleke was commemorated at Sir Baron Jayatilleke Vidyalaya, Maligawatte, with Speaker Karu Jayasuriya as Chief guest. A portrait of Sir Jayatilleke was unveiled.
AGM of Ambalangoda Dharmasoka College Past Pupils on Feb.24
The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Past Pupils Association (Colombo Branch) of Ambalangoda Dharmasoka College will be held on Saturday, Feb.24, at 5 pm at the Lighthouse Gallery, Chaithya Road, Colombo 1 (Opposite the Lighthouse). A dinner will follow the AGM at the same venue. All past pupils are cordially invited. For more information [...]
Art & Interrelationship Expo at Eastern University

The Fine Arts Department of the Eastern University of Sri Lanka (EUSL) conducted an Art and Interrelationship exhibition which included a Cultural pageant, exhibition of traditional Food items, Art exhibition and several other events. EUSL Vice Chancellor Prof T. Jayasingam was the Chief Guest, was while Swami Vipulananda Institute of Aesthetic Studies Director Dr S. [...]
Cabinet approves call for tenders to supply Tabs
The Cabinet on Wednesday approved the call for tenders to supply Tabs to A/L students, said Cabinet Media Spokesman Minister Gayantha Karunathilake. “We allocated Rs 4,000 million in the 2017 Budget and we hope, by this concept, students can learn about new technology,” the Minister added. “We re-considered the computer technology, durability, suitability and safety [...]