Epilepsy: You can live with it, you can control it

It is controllable and in many cases controllable for life. Men, women and children suffering from epilepsy can lead near-normal lives, whether working, attending to household chores or going to school. They can get married, have children and be involved in social and religious activity. They, however, need to be properly diagnosed by a doctor [...]
When the food we eat makes us sick

The human body requires many important nutrients in order to receive energy to perform its daily tasks. Similar to a machine requiring fuel for optimum performance our body also must meet its requirements such as carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, vitamins and minerals in appropriate quantities. Though food strengthens our body, there are many instances when it [...]
Eat slowly and enjoy your food to keep the weight off

Scoffing your food too quickly increases the risk of becoming overweight, research suggests. A study of 60,000 people found those who ate slowly were 42 per cent less likely to be overweight than fast eaters. The research, published in the journal BMJ Open, also found eating evening meals at least two hours before going to bed [...]
Could coffee be making you fat?

Coffee is often seen as a guilt-free energy boost. With less than one calorie per cup, it offers the same jolt as a chocolate bar. It is also a bit of a darling in scientists’ eyes: even the American Heart Association said last year that the benefits of antioxidants in coffee and green tea are limitless. [...]
Epilepsy is like any other disease, stresses doctor

Epilepsy is a disorder that arises when the brain cells repeatedly release abnormal electrical discharges. This results in a myriad of clinical presentations varying from unusual body movement or abnormal sensations like pain, funny taste, hallucinations or hearing unusual sounds or ringing tones. However, the classical picture that comes to our minds is that of [...]
Proven and effective treatment options
Epilepsy is a disease with proven and effective treatment options. It is the attitude towards epilepsy that may be more disabling than the condition itself. Therefore, patients should be positive, get advice from a qualified doctor, take their medication as prescribed, get the seizures controlled effectively and lead a high-quality disease-free normal day-to-day life with [...]
Bringing out the best in her student: A teacher’s view
With epilepsy being “something” to do with the brain, it affects different children in different ways and teachers have to interact with these children in the best way that benefits them. This is the view of a teacher under whose care has been a child living with epilepsy for two years in a private school. [...]
‘I will’, ‘I won’t’, and ‘I want’; willpower in a nutshell

Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. After fasting forty days and forty nights, he was hungry. The tempter came to him and said, “If you are the Son of God, tell these stones to become bread.” Matthew 4:1-3 New International Version (NIV) Like Jesus, we [...]
The power of learning a second language:

Learning a second language really can slow the rate of mental decline in patients with Alzheimer’s disease, the first study of its kind has revealed. Being fluent in two or more tongues stops patients of the devastating disease from eventually being robbed of their memory. MRI scans of patients with Alzheimer’s showed they retained more [...]
Go green in your bedroom

They may look pretty in our garden but scientists maintain that we can reap plenty of health benefits of plants by bringing them indoors. While experts have long preached the benefits of house plants, scientists are now saying that popping some greenery on your bedside table can boost your sleep and health. The presence of [...]
Laughing at yourself is good for you

Laughing at yourself is healthy, new research has shown. Researchers at the Mind, Brain and Behavior Research Center in Spain (CIMCYC) have concluded that self-deprecating jokes might make you a happier person. Their findings contradict previous research done on the topic, which suggests that making fun of oneself consistently is linked only to negative psychological effects. [...]