CMF helps set up oriental band at Mahawilachchiya school
View(s):The not-for-profit Country Music Foundation (CMF) continued into 2018 its donations for children’s causes from the March 2017 “Country Roads” concert, this time providing musical instruments to set up a school oriental band.

All smiles: The eager students of Gamini Public School survey their new instruments
On February 5, the CMF presented Rs. 160,000 worth of instruments to the Gamini Public School in Mahawilachchiya, Anuradhapura upon a request by parents and children from the area.
At a simple ceremony, the students, teachers and the Principal Pathmasiri Wanninayaka welcomed the donation. Mr. Wanninayake said the dance teacher has already begun creating a school band while the school was awaiting a music teacher too to join the staff. Parents said the main reason for the donation was the principal’s dedication and commitment to improve the quality of education in this small school.
The instruments were made up of a Sitar, Esraj, Violins, Tabla, Seraphina, Flutes, Udarata drums, Pahatharata drums, Pantheru, Thalampota, Kombu nala, Hak kombu nala, cymbals, Bass drum, Dawul and Thammettam.
The combined total so far from the 2017 concert proceeds now stands at Rs.1.13 million. These donations were to Horizon Lanka, Mahawilachiya – Rs. 130,000 (cost of 5 Dialog Winpad computers to improve IT skills of village children); PREDO, a community service NGO in Hatton – Rs. 150,000 for a project supporting the children of migrant workers; ESCO Batticaloa – Rs. 150,000 (children’s project organized by this NGO working to support migrant workers and their families); Pimbura Primary School, Agalawatte –Rs. 136,000 (360 school bags for the 2017 Avuruddu celebrations) with support from Ceylon Biscuits and Nestle, and the Kiula Kiyawana Gunaya Free Classical and Folk Music Class, Hambantota – Rs. 205,000 for the purchase of an Esraj instrument and provision of scholarships for nine of the brightest students in this music class. They are each receiving Rs. 2000 per month for 12 months ending in May 2018. Additionally Rs.200,000 was presented to Give2Lanka for a Batticaloa water project operated by Berendina Sri Lanka with the National Water Supply and Drainage Board. This project involved providing pipe water connections to low income families, according to CMF officials.
The CMF thanks all its sponsors, well-wishers and supporters in 2017 and throughout its enlightened decades-long journey since 1988 of lighting up the lives of children. Await the 30th anniversary edition of ‘Country Roads’ in late 2018.