Ajith Mendis’ latest theatrical production ‘Hadannama Behe’, starring Roshan Pilapitiya, Saman Hemarathna, Mahinda Pathirage, Niroshan Wijesinghe, Mihiri Priyangani, Kumari Senaratne and Samantha Paranaliyanage will be staged at 10.30 am and 2.30 pm on March 30 at the auditorium of the Kandy District Secretariat. The play is produced and organised by Jude Srimal.


A comedy goes to hills

‘Hadannama Behe’

Ajith Mendis’ latest theatrical production ‘Hadannama Behe’, starring Roshan Pilapitiya, Saman Hemarathna, Mahinda Pathirage, Niroshan Wijesinghe, Mihiri Priyangani, Kumari Senaratne and Samantha Paranaliyanage will be staged at 10.30 am and 2.30 pm on March 30 at the auditorium of the Kandy District Secretariat.

The play is produced and organised by Jude Srimal.

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