Taking audiences back in time with ‘Anything Goes’

The snappy, familiar tune of “Anything Goes” has found fame with jazz legends like Frank Sinatra, Ella Fitzgerald and even sneaked into action movies like Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom and serious dramas like “The Newsroom”. But the tune we have all at some point heard was first introduced as the title song [...]
Big match faces

While the 139th Battle of the blues, between Royal College Colombo and S. Thomas’ College Mt. Lavinia ended in a draw recently, the annual encounter drew excited spectators. Our photographer Amila Gamage captured these scenes and faces from the big match grounds.
Cranberries to release final album this year

The Cranberries are to release their final album later this year. The move comes following the sudden death of their lead vocalist Dolores O’ Riodon in January aged 46. The band says Dolores recorded her vocals for new material before her death. The website of Zayn Malik crashed after his new song was shared free. [...]
Keeping things simple

“The formula for success has always been ‘Simple’. So, why embrace ‘Complexity’ “ reads the ‘About’ section of 3.5.3’s Facebook page. One of the newest clothing brands around, 3.5.3’s philosophy is simple, like its focus- the t shirt. A venture by three school friends turned business partners, they introduced their dreams of becoming entrepreneurs to [...]
‘Sign of the times’ – Band Heroes 2018

“Band Heroes 2018- The Sign of the Times” organized by the Interact Club of and Parents Teachers Association of Bishop’s College took place on March 3 to a packed audience at the Bishop’s College Grounds. Despite the mud and downpour a faithful audience cheered on the 9 bands that serenaded audiences with English Sinhala classics [...]
‘Tekken’ things to another level

If you were one of the lucky people to own the original PlayStation when it first came out, chances are that you played your fair share of games on it. Granted, the graphics are nowhere close to what they are today, but still, you played for the thrill of the game . One such game [...]