A heart-felt dance, march and walk

A blast of music and as the ‘infectious and catchy’ melody and words of ‘By the rivers of Babylon’ and many others stream out last Sunday morning, there is a spontaneous crowding of the ‘floor’ by both men and women. MediScene is not at a dance class but at a ‘Cardiac Rehabilitation’ Programme on the [...]
Individual care and attention key to success

Government servant Dusmantha Thotawatte, 58, from Nugegoda had a major life-changing experience six months ago. “I had a heart bypass,” he says, soon after his brisk walk last Sunday, before joining in the marching and dancing, adding that he and his family “asarana vuna” at that time. He had heard of Cardiac Rehabilitation in other [...]
Get those patients out of their pyjamas
England’s chief nurse, Professor Jane Cummings, is leading a new campaign against a threat to the health of patients, particularly older patients, which she has called ‘pyjama paralysis’. In essence, this is the idea that wearing pyjamas reinforces the feeling of being unwell and slows down patients’ recovery. Professor Cummings wants NHS nurses to get [...]
Why we need antioxidants
‘Antioxidant’ is one of those trendy words that we hear almost on a daily basis. We read about it, we are told to eat food that is high in antioxidants, but only a few of us will know what this word really means or what it does in our body. However, we are fully aware [...]
Catch those dental problems at a young age

Keep an eye on the ‘milk’ teeth of your children, is the advice of Consultant Orthodontist Dr. Thushari Dewanarayana to all parents. Giving pointers how a child’s smile can be enhanced, she urges parents to get an orthodontic assessment of their children when they are around 7 to 8 years old. Catching such problems when [...]
Do you want to make a change in your life? Start making your bed every morning
A habit is a routine of behaviour which through regular repetition tends to happen subconsciously. Habit formation is the process through which a behaviour becomes automatic. Repeated behaviour patterns become imprinted in our neural pathways in the brain.That is why old habits are hard to break and new habits are not easily acquired. Think about [...]
Fibre is more powerful than we thought
High fibre diets could control diabetics’ blood sugar better than we ever realized, new research suggests. For decades, nutritionists have urged everyone – diabetes diagnosis or not – to load up on leafy greens, whole grains, and bananas since their fibre content keeps digestion stable and smooth. But new research by Rutgers University has found [...]
The power of the mindset
There are so many myths about ability and achievement. Yet what we don’t realize is the years of hard work, and dedication required before success reach fruition. Stanford psychologist Dr Carol Dweck spent many years of research on achievement and success, working with young learners exploring the power of the “mindset”. It is a simple [...]
Morning sleepiness could be warning sign of Alzheimer’s
Nodding off during the day could be an early warning sign of Alzheimer’s disease, according to research. A study of nearly 300 retired people found those who reported being very sleepy during the day had higher accumulations of amyloid plaques in their brains – a major cause of Alzheimer’s. Scientists believe this is because the [...]