SL Football Vision 2030 Plan – a myopic shot at elusive goals!
National Coach and Manager collecting garlands; and players in the East!
Early this year, we saw the FIFA World Cup pass by our shores on its journey to Russia, where the grand spectacle will unfold in a few months. Together with that extravaganza, the Football Federation of Sri Lanka (FFSL) showcased its Vision 2030 Plan, handing out booklets to the media and a few VIPs, to herald what is in store for SL Football, in a future that goes the full distance of 12 years or, another 3 consecutive terms of office. If one dreams of such longevity. All very hunky dory, if one does not take the trouble to browse through its cryptic pages. The discerning reader will soon realise that it is nothing more than a wish list that has been doing the rounds at FFSL for a few years now. As to who is the architect of this piece of skullduggery is anybody’s guess, but the fact is that, no consultations has taken place with any stakeholders up to date. Its first salvo though, titled ADMINISTRATION, makes an uncanny reference to such an intent.
This is not the first time that such a back-heel pass has been executed, without any idea of where the goal lies. Previous regimes have made that foreplay before and quickly forgotten all that was promised. Both, the FFSL President and its Secretary General (SG) have come through the now greasy channel as CEO’s, and know only too well how to pull the wool over a Football community that is not so concerned about Vision, when they hardly have even a method in the madness we see today! At a minimum, these Football pundits should have invited the views of the Football public, when such a futuristic document came to be made and published. Very soon we hear that the AFC Chief will be in town and, no doubt, the red carpet will be unfurled all the way to the Shangri-La. Another presentation of Vision 2030 will be made and, of course, the ministerial ensemble will be there to say, “good show guys”!
To get down to brass tacks, take the fundamental role of ADMINISTRATION. What have we got running at Football House today, that resembles anything close to the suggestion of REFORMS? The FFSL has, in its hands, an Organisational Restructure study and report funded by FIFA 3 years ago, that spelled out what needed to be done, but it never saw the light of day. FIFA then offered a Model Constitution and undertook a few discussions even with the Minister of Sports (MoS) to circumvent potential conflicts with the Sports Law but, here again, no consistent followup took place. Instead, an SG and a CEO morphed into one crafty deity is now attempting to dictate the Football Vision of a nation, to all and sundry. No small wonder, observers say that cracks are now appearing between the 2 lead men at the FFSL. As if to light a fire, it was a Senior VP and a much maligned Past President who proposed and seconded that, these top brass must be paid salaries to the honorary positions they were elected to, after a fierce contest.
One Football buff recently called the Vision 2030 mantra of FFSL a pus vedilla! Indeed, a careful read smacks of a ‘cut & paste’ job, drawing on the rhetoric of FIFA & AFC periodicals, to sell a dummy to gullible Football lovers who have no choice but to pray and plead! The document, interestingly, refers to a Digital Football Era. God forbid! It won’t be too long when the next SAFF foray is done and dusted in September, and the results plain to see. Perhaps then, the FFSL charlatans will resort to virtual Football games to keep our young lads glued to their hand held devices, rather than put them in their Football boots and run them off their feet on the artificial turf, so painstakingly installed at the Baddegana complex!
Take a look at Regional Development (RD)! Vision 2030 speaks of setting up such a department, when FFSL has had this illusory gimmicky distraction in place for a long time now. KornerKick has made several salvos into the penalty box, to highlight how these Football Regional Centers, on which millions of FIFA funds have been spent, are run without any idea what they are meant to be. It is common knowledge that these centers are a burden to the FFSL, when they should be its prime profit centers. Fortuitously, a few are used regularly and are beneficial to the sport, but even these are not providing a much needed revenue stream to the FFSL. Our same Senior VP is the assigned Chairman of RD, and a stipend of Rs 100,000 promised to all the Regional Leagues still to happen, as alleged by disgruntled regional administrators. This arbitrary funding, without a well defined plan, timely delivery and proper accountability, is the classic Football syndrome of keeping the supporters happy and content, till the next round of elections. The AFC President’s goodwill visit is an example of that grand design perpetuated throughout the Football world. All we do is follow meekly!
Vision 2030 avoids any mention of Marketing or Finance, with the implications that any commercial consideration is beyond the foresight of FFSL. For long years, spoon-fed by FIFA’s & AFC’s generosity, Member Associations (MA) such as SL are kept on a leash by fund mechanism’s that hardly meet national aspirations. When an MA does not have a precise vision and& lacks the most basic management structure and credentials, it cannot, obviously, envision a path that will target precise objectives it must identify at first. And so, the caravan moves on its perilous path, picking up deadwood along the way, while stopping now and then to organise a feast! This is far from arenas where Football is played, stars are born and fans gather to cheer.
Vernacular newspapers last weekend lamented the shoddy treatment meted to a senior staff member who was transferred out of Football House to the Baddegana Complex, only because she dared to attend a dinner hosted by the Immediate Past President (IPP). Japanese Consultant Coach Suzuki also went to the bash in Negombo, but it is unlikely he will be sent to Japan. It is learn’t that the wily SG reciprocated in good measure by hosting the IPP to cake at Football House. Talk about myopia!