A Sheikh came visiting but our Turks are shirking in Paradise!
Why blame me seems to be what FFSL GS is saying to the AFC boss!
AFC President Sheikh Salman bin Ebrahim Al Khalifa and his entourage paid their traditional visit to Football House (FH) as they do with all the Asian MA’s, particularly when AFC elections are nigh and the flock must be kept happy and content. Nothing wrong with that! With AFC Chief Administrator in tow, Sheikh Salman would have also had the opportunity to see at firsthand, the so called Vision 2030 Strategic Plan and how much of an eyewash it is, if he took the trouble to carefully analyze what is in store and who at Football Federation of Sri Lanka (FFSL) was going to deliver it. Not the wishlist and pipe dreams dished out by successive administrations!
One really wonders how the AFC works! While it can be argued that the AFC would stop short of interfering in the internal matters of FFSL, it should not be remiss in demanding accountability for the monies given so lavishly in its annual programme. On top of that, are the myriad benefits that accrue to key members, in so far as these privileges go, in turn benefit the Football product of this country. If that does not happen, then it is incumbent on the AFC to review and examine what is going on in the quickly spruced up corridors of FH. Very soon, an assembled junket will wend its way to the World Cup in Russia. The Minister of Sports (MoS), bless his soul, will join the bandwagon, presumably, to see the high standards of world Football, and how lowly-Sri Lanka can make its way to those citadels of international prowess. That day will come when our national team makes its way to the SAFF Tournament in Bangladesh, come September this year. God help us with the result, given the delayed preparation, now relying solely on the reputation of National Coach Rumy Packeer Ali.
Let us for a moment dwell on what Sheikh Salman’s agenda would be, other than posing for innumerable photo opportunities with the Football towkay’s and the MoS and his handlers, plus the extravagant dinners in Colombo’s plushest eating houses. Never mind that Rs 25 million is still missing from the treasury lockers of FH. What is, therefore, intriguing to learn is what exactly the Football agenda is that AFC has with the FFSL. The outdated FFSL websites make no reference to any of the mandatory issues that the FFSL must address with the AFC. Take for instance, the forensic study of FFSL finances, particularly the highway robbery on its doorstep! Passing the buck to the grandmaster who had a whip-hand on FFSL funds is not enough, one might say, when the current duo of President and Secretary General are past masters, having been CEOs during the last two regimes. Then, one might query about the model FIFA Constitution languishing in the ivory tower of Race Course Avenue. The HR restructuring plans and the Horst Krieter Technical recommendations, all precious cargo delivered at Football House by FIFA or AFC funding! Are we to also understand that FIFA and AFC do not talk to each other, so that, the right hand does not know what the left hand is doing? Really sad to say, Football lovers will realise these international behemoths appear to waste so much funds on non-events, purely to garner support for their personal ambitions, rather than for the fundamentals of the sport and its relevance to the stakeholders.
AFC and FIFA bosses call over from time to time to help perpetuate the same tried and failed systems, with no structural instruments to ensure that the money, so generously given, is meaningfully spent. It hobnobs with the local hierarchy without taking the trouble to meet the sub-structure of League, Club, School and Youth representatives, who will throw light on what is taking place or, what is not taking place! If it has sat with the MoS, has it assessed what good it has brought the FFSL, except official sanction to keep the carnival alive, so that, the partners in crime can ride the merry-go-round a little longer! We have seen FIFA and AFC experts come and go and suggest all kinds of Football distractions like Futsal, Beach and Social Football, never for a moment analyzing why Sri Lanka is destined to remain at its current ranking #200. This is not to say that these Football activities are bad by themselves. What is under scrutiny is its relevance in the present context of the game in Sri Lanka.
Knowledgeable local Football followers will tell you that Youth Football is at the base of the solution. If the popularity of the sport is not nurtured from the young ages, it does not take a load of brains to imagine what follows. It is a well known fact that parents do not encourage their children to take to Football, weighed against the immense following for Cricket and Rugby. So that is a challenge! Merely, running a few ad-hoc grassroots camps and organizing pseudo Futsal competitions is not the answer. One needs a long term, step by step progression through the age groups. Something this column has addressed before! Then follows the huge task of creating interest and glamour at the top of the pyramid; a magnet that can attract the interest of youngsters! Sadly, our inability to produce top level competitions on a timely annual calendar schedule does not help.
The bees one saw around the honey-pot during Sheikh Salman’s visit, are not the people who can fashion the honeycomb for Sri Lanka Football. The current Football structures polarize talent into camps and reward victors with a term in office they can hardly render. The AFC cavalcade obviously does not care about one small nation trying to wake up to that reality. It has enough on its plate to maintain the luster of the Confederation. What it wants from us is our vote; thank God it is still worth as much as that of any other nation!