A family inheritance that needs medical attention

He was the most prominent figure worldwide to be associated with this inherited bleeding disorder, for he was the heir-apparent of the House of Romanov, due to sit on the throne of the Russian Empire. The youngest and only son of Emperor Nicholas II and Empress Alexandra Feodorovna, Alexei Nikolaevich had inherited haemophilia from his [...]
All that’s red

Red veggies can be considered as full of nutrition with the phytonutrients that give their beautiful colour as well as powerful health benefits. The deeper the red, the richer the phytonutrients the most important of which are the antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, with antioxidants being compounds that protect body cells from the damaging effects of [...]
The importance of teaching Emotional Intelligence in our schools

The suicide rate in Sri Lanka is reducing. From a high of 47 per 100,000 persons in 1995, the second highest rate in the world, it is now 14.2 per 100,000, almost equal to the US rate of 13.5. Should we be happy about it? Certainly, but there is another worrying trend. The number of [...]
SwimSight: A sound of hope for deaf swimmers

According to the World Health Organization 5% of the world population which is approximately 466 million people suffer from disabling hearing loss. It is projected that every one in ten people will have disabling hearing loss by 2050. As the number of individuals with hearing impairments keeps growing there is a need to ensure that [...]
Organic food – What you need to know

The very word, ‘Organic’ has taken over our food market by storm! We see it in supermarket shelves, grocery stores, restaurant menus and there are even entire restaurants dedicated to organic food. The demand is sky rocketing worldwide with what was once a niche market now shooting its way to a hugely revenue- based industry. [...]
Retired? Don’t rush to the doctor for everything

Generally, in one’s working life you have little time for ‘deep reflection’ – work and home life tend to take up all one’s time. If you have any ‘medical symptoms’, you make an appointment to see the doctor and take any prescribed medication to continue to be at work. Some medicines may need to be [...]