Isipathana fans,… Long way to go
The Sunday Times has decided to dedicate this column to its readers so that they can comment about contents in our sports columns and features and also write their own thoughts on various sports with letters to the editor.Their views however are not necessarily those of the newspaper.
By the time this article is published, readers and rugby rans would be aware what took place during and after the League Inter-School Rugby match that was played on April 7, between St. Peter’s College (SPC) and Isipathana Vidyalaya (IV) at Havelock Park.
On that day just prior to the main match, some Junior Boys of IV carried boards with slogans reading similar to “MUST RESPECT MATCH OFFICIALS”, “MUST RESPECT OPPONENTS”, “LOVE THE GAME OF RUGBY” etc. and these boys were going around the playing arena. (All these Boards were printed in English). I must mention here that good percentage of IV fans and Old Boys always adhere to what was mentioned in those Boards.
It should be highly appreciated for the efforts taken by the IV Rugby Officials to have a perfect harmony situation during a match and the attempt to build an image that IV fans had come a long way resorting to violence during and after matches (towards opponent players, Match Officials and Opponent School supporters) etc. Sadly, very few IV fans (including some parents of the Junior and Senior Players) who did not understood exactly what was mentioned in those slogan Boards.
During the match they were abusing the SPC supporters, players, Match Officials and went to the extent of assaulting Match Officials on that evening after the match. My main argument here is, if those slogans were written in “Sinhala Language” and displayed them until the match was completed, it would have brought better results. (At least better damage controlling).
If readers could go down in this ugly memory lane, it could recall in year 2010 (Schools Knock out Tournament, match between the same opponents (SPC), during the game when IV were in a bad shape, IV fans threw objects to the playing area (towards Match Officials) and the match was suspended and then IV Rugby Officials (at that time), went to the extent of getting the finals of this Tournament (between Royal and SPC) being suspended by obtaining a Court Order. Still the match was played as scheduled on an unofficial basis. (Of course this was due to the rich traditions of these two Colleges that were involved in the finals who had being playing Rugby much before World War II) and SPC was the winner.
It is now a well-known fact that some IV fans or supporters they cannot stomach an Isipathana defeat. If it is a close game and IV get defeated, they have to blame the Match Officials. If they get well and truly routed in the game they keep silent. (Ex: Last year SPC, Royal and SJC – Knockout finals). One reason for this behavioural pattern of some of their Supporters/fans may be IV’s only game that they excel is Rugby. IV do not shine much or consistent in success in their other games. (Ex: IV is yet to win a major School Cricket Championship).
In this respect Isipathana Rugby Officials have to educate effectively their supporters, Fans and the parents of their players. Due to these kind of violent behavior if all other leading Schools give up playing with them (IV), they will have to limit playing the game with lesser known Schools. In this respect SLSRA, MoE and Referees Union should take a serious note on these issues. After all any Rugby fan in SL will accept the fact the brand of Rugby dished out by the past and present players of this School is excellent. It had being the case where a small percentage of Supporters and Fans who tarnish their image.
No wonder when other leading Rugby playing Schools play games for trophies and shields, Isipathana Vidyalaya is still playing only two games (that too with two Govt. Schools) for trophies.
I hope IV Authorities and their Rugby Officials will take this as constructive criticism. Good Luck to Isipathana Vidyalaya.
Ayantha Panditharatne,
Mount Lavinia.