The muhurath ceremony for the newest Sinhala children’s play ‘Mama Kamathima Chocolate, Meya asa Biscuit’ directed by award winning playwright Sachithra Rahubadda was held recently. Produced by Thimira Rajapakse, the play features some renowned stars and talented child artistes. They include Chandani Seneviratne, Sanath Wimalasiri, Jayanath Bandara, Imaya Bogoda, Navindu Manathunge and Daminda Nandarathna. Revolving [...]


Efforts to promote children’s theatre

“Mama Kamathima Chocolate, Meya asa Biscuit”

The muhurath ceremony for the newest Sinhala children’s play ‘Mama Kamathima Chocolate, Meya asa Biscuit’ directed by award winning playwright Sachithra Rahubadda was held recently.

Produced by Thimira Rajapakse, the play features some renowned stars and talented child artistes. They include Chandani Seneviratne, Sanath Wimalasiri, Jayanath Bandara, Imaya Bogoda, Navindu Manathunge and Daminda Nandarathna.

Revolving around a family, the play highlights the impact a family has on children and specially about the love and the bonds which prevail among the members of the family.

The Muhurath ceremony was held in the presence of theatre academics and well-known arts and literary personalities. They included Prof. Patrick Rathnayake, Dr. Somaratne Dissanayake, writer and poet Buddhadasa Galappaththi, S.H. Sarath, Jayanath Bandara and Udeni Alwis.

Prof. Patrick Rathnayake, Dr. Somaratne Dissanayake and Buddadasa Galappaththi delivered speeches on various subjects including the importance of children’s drama. They stressed that any attempts to produce dramas like “Mama Kamathima Chocolate, Meya asa Biscuit” would support future endeavours to promote children’s theatre. They added that these attempts should be sustained and supported at any cost.

The premiere show of “Mama Kamathima Chocolate, Meya asa Biscuit” is scheduled to be held on August 10 at the Bishop’s College Auditorium.

Young actress Imaya Bogoda

Young actor Navindu Manathunga

Buddhadasa Galappaththi, Chandani, Patrick Rathnayake, S.H. Sarath, Imaya Bogoda, Melani Warnakulasooriya

Udeni Alwis

Director Thimira Rajapakse

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