All aboard, and damn the rules
View(s):The number of road accidents, largely due to the failure of private bus drivers to follow traffic laws, have been on the rise in recent months.

Pix and text by Sameera Weerasekera
Most of them are caused when private buses pick up and drop passengers away from designated bus halts.
Passengers too are to be blamed as they board buses in the middle of the road or try to get off buses as they approach the halt, resulting in accidents.
Private buses are frequently seen violating traffic rules and crisscrossing lanes in their frenzy to overtake other buses operating on the same route so that they could pick up more passengers.
The public complain that the police fail to take action in most of the cases thereby leading to a further increase in accidents.

How do they learn to do this?

Zig zag on a straight road

One wrong step ...

Nevermind the lanes

A common sight

Who needs a bus halt?

Almost there: buses stop within sight of, but away from bus halt