“Ranaviru Museum” at Kingswood College, Kandy
View(s):Kingswood College, Kandy, created history, as perhaps the first school to have a “Ranaviru Museum”, built by its Past Cadets, which was opened on Friday (16), with the Anunayake of Malwata Ven. Panditha Niyangoda Vjithi as the Chief Guest. The Ven Thera was a member of the Staff of this school sometime ago.
Floral Tributes being placed at the Monument
Kingswood’s past pupils joined the Tri-Services and the Police and fought in the last two World Wars and in our 30-year Civil War, and died in action. The Ven. Thera said that Kingswood has always set high standards and have always protected the Country and its people.
President of the Old Cadets Association, Colonel Prasanna Ediriweera saw to it that the Museum should be built cost effectively and more with self help Wife of former Navy Chief Mrs.Samarawera declared open the Museum. Parents of those who died in the 30-year War and those parents whose children are serving in the Tri-Forces, laid bouquets of flowers at the foot of the “Unknown Solider “, which monument is at Kingswood, followed by the Last Post by the Cadets of Kingswood. - L.B. Senaratne
The Anunayake being conducted to the Museum
The Anunayake of Malwatta Ven. Panditha Niyangoda Vijitha Siri Thera- Chief Guest at the ceremony
The Museum emblem