Home » Magazine » ArtsYou’re not alone out there, says ‘Not Your Nangi’

“I was walking home when a guy driving a tuk, asked me for directions. Just as I was directing him, he unzipped his pants and said ‘meka onedha?’ (Do you want this?). I broke into tears and ran home. Age 13”. ……….. This is one of the many shocking stories shared by ‘Not Your Nangi,’ [...]
Relive Boney M hits with Liz Mitchell

Boney M is a truly unforgettable name in the history of recent pop music. With the release of the song ‘Rivers of Babylon/ Brown Girl in the Ring’ in 1978, the Caribbean group shot into worldwide stardom. The song became “Boney M’s” best known hit and went on to be the second biggest and most [...]
Uni students taking the joy of education to a small community

Early on a Sunday morning, seven-year-old Kasun was sweeping the small community hall, with a broom twice as tall as he was. This is where a group of volunteers from the Education Renaissance Programme will have their weekly learning sessions for Kasun and his friends of the slum community in Mihindu Mawatha, Veyangoda. The Education [...]
How these celebrities came to be at the Royal wedding

Celebrity spotters were not disappointed. At times the wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle resembled a Hollywood party. Here we examine the possible links that led to the stars’ presence: James Blunt Singer Blunt, 44, best known for his hit ‘You’re Beautiful’, is close to Harry through his former career as a captain in [...]
So whose fashion sparkled… and who missed the Markle?

There were no real clangers on the big day. No outrageous hats from Eugenie and Beatrice. No outrageous bottoms threatening to eclipse the bride. There were only two slight faux pas: Amal Clooney threatened to outshine the sun, and the mother of the bride wore mint while the Queen chose lime: almost, almost a colour [...]
From designing blocks to frocks

Possessing a unique sporty vibe, Nadeeshani Ratnayake’s collection stood out in the 2018 HSBC Colombo Fashion Week Emerging Designer showcase in March – brightly coloured, one-piece dresses, luminous green pencil skirts, and embellished crop tops, this was a collection meant for an active young fashionista. A trained architect who gave up the profession to follow [...]