Home » ColumnsBond 118 does not exist, but many politicians received money from Aloysius

There is bad news for those awaiting the disclosure of a list containing 118 names of politicians and others who allegedly received funds from those linked to the Central Bank bond scandal.The reason – there is no list containing such names. However, that would not mean some more names would not transpire. They are to [...]
A sad look back

Maduluwave Sobhitha hamuduruwaney, I thought I must write to you even though you have departed this world. Your untimely demise left those of us in Paradise in despair. While we are sure you must be in a better place than Paradise, I feel it is my duty to let you know of the many words [...]
Why did Sirisena suddenly do a ‘bulti’ and render 100-day prog fatherless?

The billion buck question on the nation’s lips this Sunday morn is why did President Maithripala Sirisena, having proudly claimed paternity to the 100-day programme designed to usher in a new democratic order for Sri Lanka, an order called Yahapalanaya, three and a half years ago ; having participated at its conception even before he [...]
When our politicians turn confessors
So now we know, don’t we! We have law makers (and law breakers I dare say) who are ready to confess to their sins of commission and omission as some call them. Rarely do we find such a transmogrification unless of course they are caught with their pants down, or their hands straying into the [...]
Will the gains in exports be offset by higher imports this year too?
Despite an impressive export growth last year, the trade deficit widened owing to an increase in imports. Will higher imports this year too offset the increase in exports to result in a further expansion in the trade deficit? The expectation that the export growth since March 2017 would reduce last year’s trade deficit was not [...]
Amidst the impending gloom, some rays of sunshine
Even before the Rajapaksa Presidency passed the 18th Amendment, we had been reassured by successive Governments (with more than a hint of perfunctory condescension), that Sri Lanka’s Rule of Law institutions were working well, even if not perfectly well. Administering last rites to governance Those reassurances contrasted strangely with the actual realities. Weak laws were [...]
Feuding coalition partners meet for rapprochement
His verbal barrage this week against his coalition partner, the United National Party (UNP) leadership, publicly laid bare that relations still remain a sore, festering wound and President Maithripala Sirisena only poured more salt water on it. Those strong words also ricocheted on his predecessor Mahinda Rajapaksa, now the de facto leader of the ‘Joint [...]
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