Grow with Nature

The Butterfly Conservation Society of Sri Lanka (BCSSL) organized a kids’ programme named ‘Grow with Nature’ along with their annual Butterfly and Dragonfly Race on May 19, 2018 at Diyasaru Park, Thalawathugoda. Pix by M. D. Nissanka
The most severe battle in the island
Due to all these reasons, the king gave up the capital city, with no intention of returning. The Dutch who were now free from whatever trouble that could come from the king, were quite happy, that the king had vacated the city. In the month of February 1658, a convoy of ships under the leadership [...]
Kids’ World
My garden I have a little garden. There are flower plants and fruit trees in my garden. I water and put manure to them. There are flowers like daisy’s, anthuriums, shoe flowers, temple flowers and carnations in my garden. There is a pond. There are Nil Manel plants and fish in this pond. Lots of [...]