It’s the joy and love in Boney M music that make them still hits
The way it was : Boney M in action
Boney M. has been around since the 70’s and your music is still loved by many across the world today. How have you managed to stay relevant as a band for so long? What is the secret to your success?
The music I believe is full of joy, love and special spirit. It is a sound that has made people happy from the very young to the very old and everyone in between. When music can be heard by the entire family and enjoyed by the family that is the best thing, that’s all you need for longevity.
- What has it been like being the only original singer from Boney M. and still making sure the Boney M. name remains known?
It is a fortunate thing that happened to me as my gift from God was recognised by those who heard me; they liked what they heard and decided to work with me: the sound of Boney M. was born. It has been just wonderful to know that my voice, style of phrasing and the spirit in me has been loved by so many.
I did work to save the name and the music, as it was threatened. I did work hard to save the name singing around the world the songs people love.
- Your signature style of music is instantly identifiable. How long did it take for you to develop your own style of music as a band and how did you manage to maintain it?
Signature style is based on a combination of things. The originality of my voice, my phrasing style, my feelings, my love and the producer’s ability to hear and choose the best for my delivery. His ears and direction to all who took part on all the productions is most important.
- 1978 was one of your biggest years as a band. That’s when your songs Rivers of Babylon and Brown Girl in the Ring became massive hits all over Europe and one of biggest selling singles of all time in the UK. What inspired those songs? As a band what was that experience like for you?

Liz Mitchell on stage
1978 was our biggest year. I am Jamaican by birth and the music of Jamaica was and still is an influence around the world, both Rivers of Babylon and Brown Girl in the Ring are original songs from Jamaica. The messages in the songs are people friendly, they speak of the distress we suffer and the joy we have in listening to the rhythms of the Caribbean. It was just wonderful as these songs were received by our audiences around the world. I was overjoyed.
- -Tell us a little bit about the newest members of your band? What new element have they brought in? Do you still strive to maintain the original sound of Boney M. or have any changes been made and if so, what are they?
When I went solo the record company and Frank Farian asked me to bring the Boney M. hits and incorporate them into my solo programme. As some songs were remixed with me in mind, they were released as Boney M featuring Liz Mitchell. The new songs I sang had choirs on them so I needed backing singers to help me, so I took two singers with me. I have had since then several singers mainly family members. I don’t strive to maintain the original sound as I am the original singer.
- - Tell us a little bit about the work that goes in before the band goes on tour. What do you do differently in this day and age, as opposed to what you did back in the day?
Rehearsals and preparing our minds for the show it is always the same; nothing changes from the past until now.
- - What are you most excited about when it comes to your show in Sri Lanka?
I am looking forward to doing a show that will make the people happy.
- When you’re not performing what do you do for fun?
I am very homely, so I spend time at home cooking and being with my family.
- What are your future plans for the band?
I hope to continue performing as long as possible.
Tickets for Boney M featuring Liz Mitchell are priced at Rs 5000, Rs 7500, Rs 10,000 and Rs 15,000 and are available at the Events desk at the Galle Face Hotel or on
More details are available on and or call 0779944 339