ICU syndrome is real and it needs to be tackled

It is known by many names but now doctors are quick to identify it and make all efforts to take away what can become double jeopardy to a patient. In many instances it could be the very environment that a person is compelled to be kept in for his/her greater good that can actually trigger [...]
White and all that’s right
When it comes to white vegetables that are simply white in every bite the general tendency is to think that they have no nutritional benefits. But do get some of these when you next go marketing even though they will not be the brightest in your shopping basket. White vegetables contain anthoxanthins that have antioxidant [...]
A little mindfulness meditation can go a long way

The Buddha The modern Blu-ray disc has a host of special features most of which you might never use. One such feature is the Director’s Commentary where the movie director explains every scene in the movie. It is initially interesting but becomes tedious after a while, and I doubt anybody would ever watch an entire [...]
The rains are here, so are the trio of bugs

The rains have come in all their ferocity and there is a trio of bugs that are doing the rounds. They are the viruses causing influenza and dengue and the bacterium which gives humans rat fever. Don’t be fearful, but take some basic precautions to keep these viruses and bacteria away from your home and [...]
Salt and sodium: The never ending saga

Will the salt and sodium saga ever end? We talk about these two substances so much. From the time we were small we have been told that too much salt is bad for us. Then at the same time we read and hear that we need sodium for our body to work at its best. [...]