Back to his art

He had no family background in art, yet Gunadasa Wathuwelagedara’s spontaneous passion for drawing and painting was evident when he was a student at Vijaya College, Matale. Today the veteran painter and art scholar is 88. Ten years after his last solo exhibition he is ready for another exhibition featuring 26 paintings in mixed media [...]
Head to Big Bad Wolf before the clock strikes 12

Big Bad Wolf Brand Manager Myra Chua and Junior Brand Executive Izabella Tamara have seen it all before – pyjama clad children accompanying parents to their book sale in the Philippines, Indonesia and back home in Kuala Lumpur. It re-instates their goal with the sale now in its last packed day in Colombo- to encourage [...]
Letters to the Editor

Executive Presidency: How long can we continue with this system? It is high time we, the people, began a dialogue on the “Executive Presidency” (EP). J.R. Jayewardene, the first President and the then “kingpin” of Sri Lanka politics brewed a persuasive ferment called the “Executive Presidency”. He had drawn from the USA, France, some even [...]

Tribute to a gifted personality Hema Nalin Karunaratne Having served as members of the Museum Committee of the Institution of Engineers Sri Lanka (IESL) we wish to express our appreciation of the valuable contribution of the late Hema Nalin Karunaratne to the Museum Project of the IESL. The Institution of Engineers Sri Lanka gifted the [...]
A new heart beats in happiness in a humble home

There is quiet rejoicing by Thaththa, Amma and Duwa in a humble home in Dolahela, Kaluarachchigama, Hidogama about 10 kilometres from Anuradhapura town. Many are the bodhi poojas already held but more will be offered at the Uda Maluwa of the Sri Maha Bodhi, while Thaththa and two other relatives headed for Pilimatalawa, Kandy, yesterday [...]
A Twitter entry and dream wedding in Sri Lanka

When Azra Dedic and Dominic Keely got engaged last August, the couple from Manchester, United Kingdom picked Sri Lanka as their honeymoon destination. The location was meaningful to them both- it sat well with their adventurous personalities and would mark their first trip to the Asian continent. Little did they think that two months before [...]
Wowed by Nigella

Eager fans of British TV chef and author Nigella Lawson seized the opportunity to get up close and personal with their favourite celebrity when she visited Sri Lanka last month on the invitation of Cinnamon Life. Among the many events was a brunch and cocktail reception at Cinnamon Lakeside and Cinnamon Grand respectively.
A toast to the Queen

It was a gathering of diplomats, politicians, personalities from the arts and business sectors on June 13 for the celebration of Queen Elizabeth II’s birthday at Westminster House, the official residence of the British High Commissioner in Colombo.
Dance show in aid of Karapitiya Hospice project

Dr. Udumbara Sevwandi Kumari will present ‘Induwara Nupura – Anklets of Blue Lotus’, a classical and free style dance concert, on July 14 at 5.30 p.m at the Medical Faculty Auditorium, Karapitiya, Galle to raise funds for the new hospice project for cancer patients in Karapitiya, Galle. When complete, the Karapitiya Hospice will provide physical [...]
SOSL takes the sound of classical music to Kurunegala
Students of the Central zone of Sri Lanka will have a rare treat when the Symphony Orchestra of Sri Lanka (SOSL) presents an outreach concert in Kurunegala at the Maliyadeva Girls High School hall today, Sunday July 8. SOSL’s annual free outreach concerts, commenced in 2013, with the support of the HSBC. This year, with [...]
ACWBC Founder’s Day
The All Ceylon Women’s Buddhist Congress Founder’s Day will be commemorated on July 12 and 13 with a pirith ceremony on the 12th and alms giving the following morning. The ACWBC was founded by Mrs. B.S. Jayawardena with 25 leading Buddhist women in the country.
Fulbright lecture on child development
The Fulbright Lecture titled ‘When to worry? What to do?: The neurology of early child development’ will be delivered by U.S. Fulbright Scholar Prof. John Phillips on Wednesday, July 11, from 6 – 7.30 p.m. at the United States-Sri Lanka Fulbright Commission, 55 Abdul Caffoor Mawatha, Colombo 3. The lecture will look at what shapes [...]