Agricolas: The seeds behind the happy harvest

The 1964-1968 batch of agriculture graduates from the University of Peradeniya celebrated their golden jubilee — since passing out from the Faculty of Agriculture — a few weeks ago in Peradeniya. September 1964 was a special month for a group of 23 youngsters. This was the year when 22 boys and one girl entered the [...]
Venerable Narada Maha thera – the apostle of Buddhism
If the Ven. Narada Maha Thera had lived, he would have been 120 years on July 14 this year. He passed away on October 2, 1983 at the ripe age of eighty five. Though educated in schools run by Christian missionaries, he came under the guidance of the Ven. Pelene Vajiragnana Mahanayake Thera of Vajiraramaya [...]
Is cyber the perfect weapon?

CAMBRIDGE – For years, political leaders such as former US Secretary of Defence Leon Panetta have warned of the danger of a “cyber Pearl Harbor.” We have known for some time that potential adversaries have installed malicious software in our electricity grid. Suddenly the power could go out in large regions, causing economic disruption, havoc, [...]
Lankan prof. gets New Zealand’s top food, science and technology award

The New Zealand Institute of Food Science & Technology (NZIFST) has presented the most prestigious J.C.Andrews Award to Prof. Conrad O. Perera of the University of Auckland, New Zealand. The award recognises Institute members who have made a substantial contribution to science and technology and leadership in the food industry. Prof Perera was presented with [...]
Welcome ceremony for Lions District 306 B1 Governor

The Lions fraternity of District 306 B1 extended a warm welcome to their District Governor Deva D Peter along with Lady Lion Jacintha Peter upon their return to Sri Lanka yesterday after having been installed in office as the Fourteenth District Governor of Lions District 306 B1 at the 101st International Convention of the International [...]
Can-Sur-Vive Trust to hold 9th workshop
Can-Sur-Vive Trust, in collaboration with the National Lotteries Board will conduct the 9th ‘CAN – SUR – VIVE’ CSR programme – a free Breast and Gynaecological Cancer Seminar/ Workshop on Sunday, July 15, at the Lanka Hospitals 10th floor auditorium. The workshop will commence at 7.30 a.m. and aims to educate survivors of breast and [...]
Thalassemia Major patient Hasini needs help

Hasini Imasha Rajapaksha, (14) who is suffering from Thalassemia Major has undergone a successful matched unrelated donor bone marrow transplant in May 2018 at Asiri Central Hospital in Colombo under Dr. Lalindra Gooneratne, Consultant Haematologist & Director Bone Marrow Transplant Programme. Her father is appealing for support from the public to raise funds for her [...]
Dudley remembered

A ceremony was held in Borella recently to mark former Prime Minister Dudley Senanayake’s 107th birth anniversary. Western Provincial Councillor and United National Party Borella organizer Jayantha de Silva is seen here placing flowers at the base of the late Prime Minister’s statue in Borella.
Janaprith meets Taiwan President

Senior Attorney-at-Law Janaprith Fernando, a member of the World Scout Committee and Deputy Chief Commissioner of the Sri Lanka Scout Association, met the President of the Republic of China, Taiwan, Tsai Ing-Wen, on Sunday July 1. Scouting in Taiwan and World Scouting were discussed during the meeting. Picture shows President Tsai Ing-Wen being presented a [...]
Rotary Club of Colombo Mid Town donates life-saving equipment to NHSL

The Rotary Club of Colombo Mid Town of District 3220 – Sri Lanka & Maldives — donated three portable ventilators and two CPAP/ BiPAP machines to the National Hospital Sri Lanka (NHSL) recently. This programme was initiated jointly with the Rotary Club of Falköping of District 2380 – Sweden – and was facilitated through a [...]
Shipwreck tourism: Lanka’s buried treasure

With hundreds of shipwrecks found around the coast, the country can be a divers’ paradise, say experts who call for measures to protect these wrecks from illegal salvagers and the dynamite fishing mafia. Randima Attygalle reports Tourism in Sri Lanka has been a story of untapped potential, observes the Sri Lanka Tourism Strategic Plan (TSP). [...]