Home » ColumnsNPC like a house of resolutions

Even if its achievements are arguably a handful, the Northern Provincial Council (NPC), has set a record. It has adopted 415 different resolutions during its five year tenure that ends in October. This works out to nearly seven resolutions a day on which sittings were held, the highest among all PCs in the country. They [...]
India offers love and air from heart: China grants cold cash from pocket
Sri Lanka has become the belle of the Asian Ball. And most certainly must take advantage of her privileged position. Opportunity, which only knocks once, now knocks twice on her door and, by all means, she should open the flap and let her in. But that does not necessarily mean she must feign to turn [...]
A brand new innings

My dear Imran Khan, I thought I must write to you to congratulate you on your success at this week’s election in Pakistan. You have come a long way from being a head of a relatively new political party with only a few seats in Parliament to now claim power, becoming the leader of the [...]
The vicious cycle of borrowing to repay foreign debt: Critical issues in debt management
Debt servicing costs are onerous next year and beyond. Next year’s debt servicing cost (interest payments and debt repayment) is expected to be as much as US$ 4.2 billion. Debt servicing costs are estimated to be US$ 12 billion in the next three years. Severe strain Last Sunday’s column pointed out that indebtedness caused by [...]
Tackling Sri Lanka’s ‘torturers’ from Point Pedro to Dondra Head
There is little doubt that the findings of United Nations Special Rapportuer on Countering Terrorism, Ben Emmerson on the sorry fate of Sri Lanka’s justice system, particularly in regard to the continuance of a ‘culture of impunity’ are significantly troubling. ‘A fate worse than death’ Reporting to the Human Rights Council earlier this week, the [...]
Hanging the media before drug peddlers

They are back at the same old crap game. This revivalist tendency when the media is hung out to dry or beaten with President Sirisena’s favourite instrument of ‘torture’- the madu walge (stingray tail)- has happened several times since Sirisena and Wickremesinghe joined hands to practise yahapalana governance. Admittedly Sirisena’s threat to resort to his [...]
Inside story of Paisley family visits and Vaas Gunawardena’s ploys
While GL Peiris was foreign minister during the Rajapaksa era, Monitoring MP wasvirtually running the show Powerful minister, known as ‘Mr. Money Bags’ arranged STF protection Standards Committee including laypersons needed to maintain discipline in our Parliament as in the British House of Commons Sajin de Vass Gunawardena, ‘Monitoring MP’ for the Foreign Ministry in [...]
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