ONUR-sponsored Radio Plays receive bad reception
View(s):The names of several Radio dramas connected to the Office of National Unity & Reconciliation (ONUR) headed by former President Chandrika Kumaratunga, will be changed, after objections from certain quarters that some names of the plays are offensive to Buddhists.

Radio plays being recorded. Picture courtesy
The issue was first raised by Ven. Omalpe Sobitha Thera, over the Radio drama series, “Kanata paharak”, aired over State-owned ITN FM, which contain several phrases used by Buddhists and particularly, members of the Buddhist clergy, to greet/bless others.
One of the dramas is titled “Tharuwan Saranai”, a pun on “Theruwan Saranai” meaning “Blessings of the Triple Gem”, while another is titled “Nihon Sepa Lebewa”, a pun on “Niwan Sepa Labewa”, meaning “May you attain Nibbana”.
Ven. Omalpe Sobitha Thera said the use of phrases of the Dhamma in this manner is tantamount to ridiculing Buddhism, and is an insult to Buddhists.
The Radio dramas in question were written and produced by Film Director Malaka Dewapriya, who is also a Radio drama writer and producer for more than 10 years. He defended his play on words from Buddhist terminology, saying it was his right as an artiste to choose the title of his dramas.
“Artistes must have room to be creative, otherwise we will become a regressive society. I ask those who criticise my productions to listen to them and come forward for an open discussions.” he said.
Asked if he did not expect a backlash, given the sensitivity of punning on words linked to a religion, Dewapriya said he did not expect such a reaction and blamed the uproar on political motives of media organisations that highlighted the issue.
“I do not think there is a need for anyone to get offended by these names. There are far worse things happening in our society and they need more scrutiny than my dramas,” he added. When asked if he practised any religion, Dewapriya said he was born into a Buddhist family, but did not elaborate, saying the choice of religion was a private matter.
One of the plays, “Tharuwan Saranai”, highlights how people are seeking blessings of ‘stars’ through reality shows and other means, and drifting away from seeking the blessings of the Triple Gem, while “Nihon Sepa Lebewa” is a drama about those who go to Japan (Nippon) seeking solace in foreign lands.
Meanwhile, Thirindu Thotawatte, a spokesperson for ONUR said the dramas in question have been written and produced by Dewapriya, but the controversial ones were not commissioned by ONUR.
“Five of these were produced at the request of ONUR, the Chairperson of which is Chandrika Bandaranaike Kumaratunga. There were 10 other Radio plays that Malaka Dewapriya had produced previously, which had not been aired. Consequent to his request to ONUR, we agreed to sponsor them,” Thotawatte said.
“The Radio plays were reviewed by a committee of officials and artistes and given the go-ahead, following which ONUR had agreed to sponsor all 15 plays to be aired on ITN FM,” he said. The Committee was made up of artistes as well as Additional Secretary (Media) of the Prime Minister’s Office, Saman Athaudahetti.
Due to the uproar in the past week, ONUR has scheduled a meeting with Mr Dewapriya for the coming week, with a view to changing the names. The contents, the spokesperson, said will remain.
The ONUR under President Maithripala Sirisena, launched the Radio drama series to help develop people reflect on issues related to national unity, empower them to be creative, and to encourage critical thinking of day-to-day issues faced by communities.
The dramas are also aimed at encouraging people to listen to Radio plays and that, the initiative will contribute towards a positive dialogue within society.
The collection in ‘Kanata Paharak’ includes 15 episodes. Of these “Nadan Patachara”, “ Aluthma Article Eka”, “ Indrajalika Magulsanakeli”, “Kindabasa Sarisarana” and “Mana Wida Mana” were commissioned by ONUR, while the others, “Tharuwan Saranai”, “Nawanalu Dahama”, “Rangadena Kapuwo”, “Aalayaka Damanaya”, “Suwadena Agni”, “Eka Thana Karakuma”, “Bhashmanthara”, “Nirabhisheka”, “Roma Ruupana” and “Nihon Sepa Lebewa” were produced by Dewapriya, but ONUR is sponsoring their airing on ITN FM. “Tharuwan Saranai” and two other plays have already been aired on Radio.