in 2-year partnership, a subsidy of Dialog Axiata PLC and one of Sri Lanka’s leading Sports hubs will partner the Sri Lanka Cricket Scorers Association (SLCSA) for the next 2 years.
The SLCSA with a membership of over 200, have been entrusted with recording the scores at all National, Club, Mercantile and School Cricket fixtures played in the country.
Damith Weerasinghe, Head of Cricket at and Cricket Manager- Sports Content of Dialog Axiata PlC, together with Dishan de Saa, Operations Manager- Sports Content, Dialog Axiata PLC handed over the sponsorship agreement and other material to SLCSA President Saman Peiris, Secretary Nalin Priyankara and Treasurer Sanjaya Jayasinghe in the presence of a large gathering of invitees, members and their families who attended the Association’s 2018 family get-together held at Gateway Airport Garden Hotel.

Damith Weerasinghe Head of Cricket The and Dishan de Saa Operations Manager of Dialog Axiata PLC's Sports Content hand over the partnership