No Matter What : Boyzone make it a night to remember

Colombo was the first stop on the Asian leg of their tour which sees them performing in Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia and the Philippines. It was vintage Boyzone for all of 11/2 hours and the band struck an instant rapport with the audience easing in with familiar hits like ‘All that I Need’ and ‘Words’. If [...]
Many faces of the Kandy Perahera

With the Kandy Perahera drawing to a close our photographer Amila Gamage captured some of the many colourful faces at the annual pageant.
Gadgets to watch out for this month

Hello, and welcome once more to another segment of cool gadgets that we found whilst surfing the internet. So without further ado, here are some of the gadgets that caught our attention. Miniso BT551 Bluetooth Headset Ever since Miniso opened up their stores in Sri Lanka, people have been flocking to their stores to see [...]
Inspiring today’s youth to become tomorrow’s conservation heroes

In a bid to inspire, engage and educate school children all across the island on the importance of protecting the rich fauna and flora of the country, the Wildlife and Nature Protection Society of Sri Lanka (WNPS) set up its youth wing in 2007. The WNPS is the third oldest Non- Governmental Organisation and has [...]
Musical evening of pop, rock and gospel hits

For eighty years the St. Thomas’ Preparatory School (STPS) has left its mark through quality education and good discipline. The same could be said of its choir trained to be versatile, not only in music but in the approach to music as a practice for life. The ensemble is home to talented and energetic youngsters [...]
Stage-crashing fan causes chaos at Beyoncé and Jay-Z Concert

Beyonce and her husband Jay Z, had the shock of their lives when a fan breached security and charged towards them during a concert in Atlanta, Georgia on August 25. The couple were reported to be performing the last song when the fan invaded the stage. He was quickly taken down. Meanwhile the couple are [...]