Home » ColumnsA walk to remember
My dear pohottuwa brothers and sisters, I thought I must write to you after seeing your protest march or satyagraha this week which you called ‘Janabalaya Colombata’. I am not saying it was an utter flop, but even you must admit that it wasn’t the great success it was meant to be. I am sure [...]
CC censures Police Chief, warns of disciplinary action

The Constitutional Council (CC) has cautioned Police Chief Pujith Jayasundera that he would face disciplinary action if he does not heed directives of the independent National Police Commission. The move follows a meeting the Council had on Friday with Mr Jayasundera and members of the Police Commission. It was chaired by Speaker Karu Jayasuriya. After [...]
JO’s Jambalaya bash in capital ends with a splitting hangover

This was no Arab Spring where a downtrodden people rose in unison and, with concerted dedication and genuineness of purpose, succeeded in bringing down to the ground and trampling in the dust dictatorial regimes in the Middle East. This was more a party, Sri Lankan style, a capital day out in Colombo where all had [...]
Increased export earnings fail to stem widening trade deficit

The trade deficit of US$ 5.7 billion in the first half of the year is a serious concern, as it portends a likely massive trade deficit of over US$ 10 billion this year. Such a large trade deficit would weaken the balance of payments (BOP), the external reserves and debt repayment capacity. The expectation that [...]
Is Lanka’s future hanging from a lampost?

Regardless of whatever possessed inebriated supporters of the so-called Joint Opposition to climb a lamppost in the capital and hang precariously from that perch while screaming rowdy slogans during the Rajapaksa-led ‘peoples power’ march to Colombo this Wednesday, this exuberance (to put it kindly) did their political puppeteers no favours. An unhappy spectacle of raw [...]
Hang them all, hang them high

Hang on a moment. Is the president of this “country like no other”, deadly serious or is this his idea of a joke? Having decided to hang convicted drug dealers who continue to do lucrative business from even their prison cells, President Sirisena, the great visionary, is prepared to expand his vision. I have no [...]
Secrecy and confusion mar ‘JO’ protest rally
Opposition members say Namal’s attempt to come to the forefront failed because he lacks experience and grassroots backing Ranil hits out at opposition and the media, says UNP grooming young leaders to take over by 2030 President plays role of neutral umpire, while seeking death penalty for those found guilty of robbing public money or [...]
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