“Mama Kamathima Chocolate, Meya Aasa Biscuit”, a family play directed by award winning playwright Sachithra Rahubadda will go on the boards at 3.30 p.m. and 7.00 pm on Saturday, September 15 at Lionel Wendt theatre Colombo. Produced by Thimira Rajapakse, the play stars Chandani Seneviratne, Janaka Kumbukage, Sanath Wimalasiri and Jayanath Bandara. It also has [...]


A play for whole family

“Mama Kamathima Chocolate, Meya Aasa Biscuit”

“Mama Kamathima Chocolate, Meya Aasa Biscuit”, a family play directed by award winning playwright Sachithra Rahubadda will go on the boards at 3.30 p.m. and 7.00 pm on Saturday, September 15 at Lionel Wendt theatre Colombo.

Produced by Thimira Rajapakse, the play stars Chandani Seneviratne, Janaka Kumbukage, Sanath Wimalasiri and Jayanath Bandara. It also has a number of young and talented children cast including Imaya Bogoda, Navindu Manathunge, Shanaka Udara and Daminda Nandarathna.

Behind the screen, music composition is by Ajantha Rajakaruna and make up by Nelum Kurugala Arachchi. The show is organised by Jude Srimal and all seats are box planned and tickets are now available the theatre gate.

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