The Sri Lanka Press Institute (SLPI) held its 15th Annual General Meeting on September 12, at its office on Kirula Road, attended by representatives of its constituent partners – the Newspaper Society of Sri Lanka, The Editors Guild of Sri Lanka, the Free Media Movement, the Sri Lanka Working Journalist Association. Presenting the annual report [...]


2017, a successful year for SLPI, says CEO


The Sri Lanka Press Institute (SLPI) held its 15th Annual General Meeting on September 12, at its office on Kirula Road, attended by representatives of its constituent partners – the Newspaper Society of Sri Lanka, The Editors Guild of Sri Lanka, the Free Media Movement, the Sri Lanka Working Journalist Association.

Presenting the annual report of the institution, SLPI’s CEO Kumar Lopez noted that 2017 had been a successful year with the SLPI conducting several meetings with local and international bodies to promote professionalism in journalism. He said, in addition transparency and accountability came to be essentials of the democratic values of the country with the enactment of the Right to Information (RTI) Act in 2016. Enforcing RTI had been one of the key objectives of the Sri Lanka Press Institute since the establishment of the Colombo Declaration on Media Freedom and Social responsibility in 1998.

Outlining other activities in 2017, Mr. Lopez said, SLPI had extended its services to build the capacity of journalists on reporting on peace building and reconciliation, and to develop a national communication strategy for Climate Change which was a part of the Government’s National Action plan. He said the institute’s plans for this year include building the capacity of the youth in RTI and analysing Sri Lanka’s progress in RTI at an international conference.

A partnership with the Association of Accredited Advertising Agencies (4As) also saw the SLPI launching a programme on ‘Corporate Communications and Public Relations’, where two batches have successfully completed the course. Besides these, several workshops had been held towards enhancing journalists’ education and reporting skills in science, language, online journalism, the environment, media ethics and new media.

The re-elected directors include, Kumar Nadesan (Chairman) of the Newspaper Society, Mr. Sinha Ratnatunga (Deputy Chairman), Manik de Silva and Mohanlal Piyadasa of The Editors Guild of Sri Lanka, Ms. Seetha Ranjanee, Ms. C. Dodawatte and Mr. Udaya Kalupathirana of the Free Media Movement, Mr. Lasantha Ruhunage and Mr. Kanchana Marasinghe of the Sri Lanka Working Journalists’ Association.

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