Supporting local organic poducers through
While healthy living is slowly becoming a habit and one of the biggest concerns of today’s generation globally and in Sri Lanka, accessibility to organic and healthy products seems minimal. On one hand while accessibility to healthy and organic products remain insignificant, the cost of purchasing them can become another challenge.

Shehani, a locally built online platform for healthy and organic products bridges the gap of accessibility and high thumping costs. The Mirror Magazine caught up with the Founder and CEO of, Shehani Rasputra for a chat. The online platform went live about a month back in August this year. funded the platform.
Shehani during the interview said, “In November last year I invested on an online platform for organic baby products called ‘Mommy Market Sri Lanka, I extended the same idea to all healthy and organic products that are manufactured locally to cater to the demand of the local and foreign markets.” There is a premium price for organic products, she added.
At the moment there are more than 250 products on the website under various categories such as skincare, sauces, organic fertilizer, baby products, animal food, gardening material and so on. Majority of the products (more than 80 per cent) seen online are locally manufactured.
Shehani says that the goal of developing an online platform to sell organic and healthy products is to make healthy living more convenient and accessible to all Sri Lankans island-wide. “One of our objectives is supporting the local community by providing them a platform that solves their market penetration and logistical problems,” she noted. The products purchased online will be delivered by the team to the doorstep within Colombo. Grasshoppers,’s delivery arm delivers products out of Colombo. Delivery is done using small gunny bags where not a piece of paper, plastic or polythene is involved.
Shehani also elaborated that all products online are USDA certified, which is a certification for products that are categorized as organic.