Home » ColumnsBetween the devil and the deep blue sea
My dear ‘group of sixteen’ in the Blue party, I thought I must write to you because you are getting bashed from all sides in the tussle between Maithri and Mahinda maama, so much so that it is difficult to say whether you are one single group or a collection of different cliques within the [...]
Political storm over Cardinal’s comments on human rights

Colombo’s Archbishop Malcolm Cardinal Ranjith’s controversial statement on human rights set off a political storm this week, with both Government and Opposition figures weighing in. The Cardinal, who has made several controversial statements about various subjects in the recent past, said during the morning service at St. Matthew’s Roman Catholic Church in Ekala last Sunday [...]
Threats to Lankan economy from global developments and trade tensions

Tremors from global financial markets and trading uncertainties are being felt in the Island’s economy. The depreciation of the rupee, increasing prices of petrol and gas, hikes in bus fares and higher costs of imports are among the inevitable repercussions of the global financial crisis. Global economic growth could also be affected by the current [...]
A scandalous quid pro quo alleged against prosecutors?

Returning from Malaysia this week, correspondence with a now retired and respected diplomat focused on the ravages that the Malaysian people has had to go through including the gruesome instance of a Malaysian deputy public prosecutor whose body was discovered in a cement-filled oil drum dumped in a river. He had apparently been investigating corruption [...]
Trump puts the world on notice

Armed with a fistful of American dollars and the other fist steeled with the knuckle duster of America’s military might, US President Trump, in a gung ho speech delivered at the UN annual summit in New York, warned world leaders this Wednesday that if they do not kowtow to the American line then they will [...]
Sirisena and the Mandela moment

Who invited President Sirisena to speak at the Nelson Mandela Peace Summit at the UN in New York few Sri Lankans or South Africans would know. As he was due to address the UN General Assembly a day later those who arranged the Mandela event probably thought two speeches for the price of one was [...]
Our Political Editor is on leave this week and his political commentary will appear next week.
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