A Reading Camp organised by the Mahara Divisional Secretariat Social Service Unit to encourage children to take up the Reading habit, was held recently at the Naranwala South Grama Seveka Area.  More than 100 schoolchildren participated in the Reading Camp. Chief Incumbent of the Ahugammana Sri Sudharmaramaya Ven. Hunupolagama Buddharakkitha Thera who delivered a sermon, [...]


Reading Camp to encourage Reading habit


A Reading Camp organised by the Mahara Divisional Secretariat Social Service Unit to encourage children to take up the Reading habit, was held recently at the Naranwala South Grama Seveka Area.  More than 100 schoolchildren participated in the Reading Camp.

Chief Incumbent of the Ahugammana Sri Sudharmaramaya Ven. Hunupolagama Buddharakkitha Thera who delivered a sermon, said the Reading habit must be inculcated in children from a young age.

Assistant DS, Mahara, Mrs W.W.M.D. Kumari, retired Administrative Officer Mahara DS D.L. Abeysinghe, members of the Mahara Pradeshiya Sabha and well-wishers were present. -Thilak Nimalasuriya

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