There’s nothing to be afraid of anaesthesia

Don’t be afraid to be put to sleep for any surgical procedure — anaesthesia is safe and we are by your side throughout. This is the strong assurance coming from the College of Anaesthesiologists and Intensivists of Sri Lanka as the globe celebrated World Anaesthesia Day on Tuesday. “We have evolved and now there are [...]
‘Keto diet’, the new fad

The ‘Keto diet’ is gaining popularity and has become one of the latest dietary fads. Most of you would have already heard about the keto diet which is a short version for the ketogenic diet. The internet has loads of stuff on the keto diet, the diet foods, keto guides, meal plans, recipes and reviews [...]
What makes life worthwhile
In 2005 the Gallup Company, founded by George Henry Gallup the pioneer of public polling, began a global research study representing more than 98% of the world’s population in more than 150 countries. Their findings are summarised in the book Wellbeing: The Five Essential Elements. The five essential elements they identified were: career, social, financial, [...]
Brown coated tubers and yams

Almost all brown vegetables comprise tubers and yams that grow underground. Yams or ‘ala’ in Sinhala are basically edible tuberous roots. Many of these vegetables are made up of complex carbohydrates generally known as ‘good carbs’ the major components being starch and dietary fibre as well as some vitamins and minerals. It is best to [...]
Signs that a child has been sexually abused
Child sexual abuse is a serious worldwide problem that often goes unrecognized. This is because sexually abused children often remain silent about it, experts say. Sometimes they’re afraid that no one would believe them. Many of these children are ashamed, knowing intuitively that what’s happening to them isn’t right. What they usually don’t understand, however, [...]
Coping with dementia: Person first, patient second
Dementia is an umbrella term for a number of different diseases that affect the brain in different ways. It is a disease that gets worse over time, affects more than one aspect of thinking, such as memory, language, behaviour, visual processing, and is severe enough to affect everyday life. The disease doesn’t just affect one [...]