Behind the scenes we work, using the specialty of radiology including X-rays and many other modalities in medicine to diagnose and treat diseases. The world celebrated the International Day of Radiology on November 8, commemorating the unique discovery of rays by German physicist Wilhelm Conrad Röntgenin in 1895. As an outcome of his experiments, rays [...]


We help to protect your heart

By Dr. K.M.R. Kannangara

Behind the scenes we work, using the specialty of radiology including X-rays and many other modalities in medicine to diagnose and treat diseases.
The world celebrated the International Day of Radiology on November 8, commemorating the unique discovery of rays by German physicist Wilhelm Conrad Röntgenin in 1895. As an outcome of his experiments, rays which were not identified before his time, were made known to the world and were named X-rays. This revolutionized the field of medical sciences.

During the first five decades, radiology was limited to X-ray investigations but in the 21st century it has developed into various methodologies such as fluoroscopy, CT (Computerized Tomography) scans, ultrasound scans, MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) scans, nuclear medicine and PET (Positron Emission Tomography) scans.
While X-rays are able to diagnose diseases in the bones and MRI and ultrasound scans help detect and diagnose diseases in the soft tissues, basic information including the location and types of diseases surrounding the blood circulation system, the urinary system, the digestive system etc. can be identified through fluoroscopy. PET scans and nuclear medicine, meanwhile, are specifically used in the study of cancer and its spread.

With the theme for this year being ‘Cardiac Imaging’, it is inclusive of all investigations relating to the heart conducted through radiological examinations.
At the initial level, X-rays were used to discover abnormalities in the heart and their impact. Later ultrasound scans enhanced the possibility of studying the capacity to recognize abnormalities of the heart, its blood vessels and accumulation of fluids in the lungs.

Further, coronary angiograms are conducted to rectify the narrowing in the blood vessels of the heart, with this procedure being called angioplasty and stenting minimizing the risks involved in undergoing open-heart bypass surgery.

With a special CT scan being able to measure the calcium deposit index in the walls of the coronary arteries, it enables the doctors to get an idea of the thickness of the walls of arteries. This, in turn, allows for predictions on the probability of a person suffering a heart attack or a stroke in the next 5-10 years.

The CTCA (CT Coronary Angiography) test is used to identify the abnormalities in the coronary arteries and is carried out by studying the images taken after injecting an iodine-contrast medium to a blood vessel in the arm. When compared with the ordinary coronary angiogram, the CTCA considerably reduces the discomfort experienced by the patient.

Detailed study of all organs in the thoracic cavity are also enabled by CT and MRI scans, while the PET scan is invaluable in identifying malignancies and the extent to which they have spread in these organs.

Since MRI scans do not use x-rays but rely on high-powered magnetic and radio waves, the patient is not exposed to radiation. The MRI scanner resembles a small tunnel in which the patient is asked to lie down and which turns from side to side, giving detailed images of the required area of the body. Certain Coronary MRI scans are carried out by injecting a contrast medium to create sharper and clearer images.

There are also specialized MRI tests to identify structural complications of the heart and observe abnormalities in cardiac muscles and blood vessels as well as the function of the various components of the heart and the changes in blood circulation.

Since MRI scanning is quite expensive, only a few hospitals in the country offer this service.
(The writer is the Consultant Radiologist of the Kalutara District General Hospital.)

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