Iranian coach Elham wants better environment for shooters

Rtd. Maj. Gen. Kenneth Edema, a keen contributor and praised NSSF's efforts
Former Iran national rifle shooter turned international coach, Elham Hashemi Masoumi, is in Sri Lanka on an invitation of the National Shooting Sports Federation of Sri Lanka (NSSF), focusing the probability of joining forces to guide the local shooters. Elham, 47, and an ISSF (International Shooting Sports Federation ) ‘A’ Grade License coach, conducted an assessment and training programme for the Sri Lankan rifle shooters during her two-day project.
The programme was conducted at the Scorpion Rifle Shooting Club range in Malabe, on Friday and yesterday, and depending on the report provided by Elham and her willingness, the NSSF will make the decision in obtaining her expertise as a foreign coach.
“I’m supposed to see the facilities and the performances of the Sri Lankan shooters, to see if I can help them or not. Of course some of the equipment here are weak and I’m writing down the notes on what should be done to make them better. Of course, as I see improvement is possible,” Elham, who helped Singapore reach the status of top international performers, told the Sunday Times.
According to her observations after the first session of the first day, Elham already has spotted the vital components even the NSSF is striving to provide the local shooters. Among those were the lack of fitting equipment such as guns, rifles and pallets, a suitable environment for the athlete and a good quality shooting range, which the NSSF has been struggling to put up during the past few years.

Local top ranked shooters were involved with the programme - Pix by Amila Gamage
Despite the lack of a proper shooting range, the NSSF has been able to send its representation to international events and even opted not to send its athletes to an important multi-event competition after observing that its rifle shooters were not fit enough to achieve medals. However, Elham’s visit to Sri Lanka gives shooting sports a ray of hope in reaching the much looked-forward for standards internationally.
“Sri Lanka needs the services of an expert international coach. Ms. Elham is the former national coach for Singapore, who has achieved a lot under her. Currently she is conducting an assessment process, by observing the local shooters and on how they conduct themselves during competitions as well as the surroundings. The NSSF is willing to take her on board, as she is willing to take up challenges. I heard that she was approached by Japan and she had declined upon assessment stating that their shooters do not have anything to improve on and they are already good enough. But in Singapore, she took over a set of shooters who were below par international standards and took them to the peak. That’s the kind of challenge she expects as a coach, which is, in a way, a blessing for a country like Sri Lanka,” Retired Major General Kenneth Edema, a local stalwart in shooting sports, said.
Interestingly, Elham is a qualified Agricultural Engineer, but she decided to study Sports Psychology and Sports Science and pursue further in the sport she was engaged for almost two decades as an athlete. Eventually she obtained her first license through the ISSF and grew with time to become an ISSF ‘A’ License coach, while helping youngsters in her native country, Iran. She ended up becoming the national coach in Iran from 2010 for the next five years before taking up Singapore in 2015. Under Elham, Singapore reached global standards after many years and two months ago she decided to step down and look for a new challenge.

Elham Hashemi Masoumi is willing to take challenges and for Sri Lanka, she sees a good future in Rifle shooting
After her observations, assessments and boardroom sessions at the Malabe property, Elham will present her final report to Shirantha Peries, the President of NSSF. In the assessment report Elham will also mention that if she finds it fitting to take up her next challenge as coach, which looked positive after the first session on the first day.
“I represented Iran for about 20 years, I must admit that Iran was like Sri Lanka when I was an athlete. I know how important it is to give the athletes the motivation to help reach the required standards. The surroundings, the environment, a suitable shooting range, fitting equipment such as guns and pallets is a must to help the shooters improve fast. I will watch them for two days and meet the (NSSF) President and present him my observations. I’m still unaware of the details of my work here, but firstly I must see if I could help Sri Lanka or not. Hopefully there is a high possibility. I see good talent here, maybe there’s a lot like them in the outstations. I think the local coaches are doing a good job, with what I see through the shooters and how they perform,” Elham added.
According to Edema, who has been involved in the local shooting sports arena for over four decades, as an athlete, administrator and mentor, if Sri Lanka is able to rake in Elham, it would only pace up efforts of NSSF President Peries, in gaining international spotlight. Edema went on to say that Peries’ professional and thorough administrative skills have helped the NSSF shape up as a well respected sports governing body in the country.
“Ms. Elham was brought down mainly by the efforts of NSSF President, Mr. Shirantha Peries and its General Secretary, Mr. Pradeep Edirisinghe. They have made a great effort to bring her down. For this two-day programme, the entire financial support is rendered by the Colombo Clay Target Shooting Club headed by Mr. Peries, whose initiative must be highly commended. I must also mention Mr. Peries’ vision to take up the standards of shooting in Sri Lanka. This is part of a long term plan, mainly focused on youngsters. One of the earmarked tournaments Sri Lanka is targeting to win medals at is the upcoming South Asian Games to be held in Nepal. If all works well we will be able to hope for a medal at the next Olympics. I think after decades, Mr. Peries is making all possible efforts to make shooting a medal potential and professional sport,” he added.
The two-day programme accommodated 18 top ranked shooters and five coaches where all had to go through practical shooting sessions and lectures.