Sarath Amunugama, who holds the Foreign Affairs portfolio, has now instructed Sri Lanka’s Heads of Mission (HoMs) to interact with journalists in their countries of accreditation and report back weekly to the Ministry. The HoMs are expected to relay information about, among other things, “the names of journalists that they have met, the media organisation [...]


Interact with journalists and report back: Amunugama to SL envoys


Sarath Amunugama, who holds the Foreign Affairs portfolio, has now instructed Sri Lanka’s Heads of Mission (HoMs) to interact with journalists in their countries of accreditation and report back weekly to the Ministry.

The HoMs are expected to relay information about, among other things, “the names of journalists that they have met, the media organisation to which they are affiliated, and the outcome of the discussion,” the memo said.

The message was first conveyed during a staff meeting chaired by Mr. Amunugama on Wednesday. And circular No. 284 sent to Sri Lanka’s missions abroad yesterday stated he wanted the instructions conveyed to all HoMs that “they must interact with journalists (print, electronic web, bloggers, travel journalists, freelance, etc) at their respective accreditations and submit regular reports to the Ministry with details of their meetings and interactions since October 26.
The missive went out amidst continuing negative publicity on events in Sri Lanka, particularly in the western media, and concern among foreign tourists about the political uncertainty affecting their travel plans. Footage of local legislators wrecking the parliamentary chamber and attacking each other was telecast all over the world and also widely viewed on social media.

Mr. Amunugama has repeatedly directed diplomatic staff to also engage with “agents of influence”, including travel and airline agents, in their respective capitals. Earlier, he told Sri Lankan diplomats that he would take a “dim view” of those HoMs who are unable to get adverse travel advisories lifted. They were expected to treat the matter as high priority and to work with the authorities as well as travel agents in their capitals.

Despite his strictures, these travel warnings remain in place. Britain, Australia and Canada updated their advisories after the events of October 26, while the United States issued four security alerts. All of these have pointed to the high probability of demonstrations and political protests that could turn violent.

Last week, Police Chief Pujith Jayasundera sent instructions to OICs countrywide to stay on maximum alert as the new Government and the ousted one began preparations for countrywide rallies. All police stations were asked to keep emergency services on stand-by. The situation on the ground, however, has so far remained calm and there has been no violence.

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