Rules, Regulations and Guidelines for selection
a) Procedure for Selection
Selections will be based on the Under 19 – 2 day matches, of Schools that organize Traditional and Non-Traditional matches played during 3rd term from the 1st of September 2018 to 1st term up to 30th of March 2019
b) SLSCA Tournaments
All school teams participating in Sri Lanka Schools Cricket Association Tournament Division 1, will be participating in Premier Schools Segment, Sri Lanka Schools Association Tournament Division II, will be participating in Emerging schools segment and Sri Lanka Schools Association Tournament Division III,
Will be participating in Up and Coming School segment.
c) Basis and Criteria for Schools
Based on a total of 15 matches and final round matches approved by SLSCA, excluding the traditional big match played by most Schools (Traditional, and Non-Traditional matches). However a minimum number of 08 matches will be the qualifying number of matches that need to be played to be considered for Dialog School Boy Cricketer 2019 Awards for selection for an award/s.
d) Participation in International Tournaments and Bilateral Tours
If a School Boy Cricketer is selected to represent Sri Lanka Schools under 19 and Sri Lanka National under 19 team, in the Under 19 ICC Youth World Cup and Under 19 Asian Cup and also in bilateral arranged tours by Sri Lanka Cricket/SLSCA at home and away, will be considered for special recognition, and achievement awards depending on performance.
e) Based on the Code Of Conduct [COC] / Code Of Ethics {COE] laid down by the Ministry of Education and SLSCA Disciplinary Code / Registration Procedure
I. On Field / Off Field or in School discipline action taken against individual player/s will be taken into consideration, in regard to the selection of individual/s award winners.
II. Fielding overage players, playing unregistered players, match fixing, cheating, abuse/sledging team; team/players involved will not be considered for any award.
III. Any player or team from one segment (All island, Emerging or Up and Coming) should not be considered for any awards from another segment.
NOTE: All of the above will be based on the final decision given by the Ministry of Education, in consultation with the SLSCA.
f) Specified Points System for Ranking / Selection
I. Point’s system will be used for calculation of points for ranking of players and teams.
II. Only the first 10 ranked players/teams in performance, ranked will be considered for the selection.
g) Dispute/s arising from the selection process
Any dispute arising from within the selection process, will be addressed with the final decision to be taken by the Chairman of the Selection Panel, along with the Sports Editor Sunday Times and the President or a Nominee of the SLSCA, which will ultimately be the final and binding.
h) Data / Statistics for selection
Statistics for the selection process will be obtained / provided by the Official Statistics Provider approved by the Sri Lanka School Cricket Association.
i) Dialog School Boy Cricketer Selection Panel
Dialog Axiata / the Sunday Times will jointly appoint a selection panel to select the players participating in School Cricket matches for the Dialog Schoolboy Cricketer Awards. The said Selection panel will comprise from, Sri Lanka School Cricket Association of 8 (eight) (President, Secretary, 2(two)Tournament Secretaries, Treasurer, Tournament Committee Chairman, Selection Committee Chairman, Selection Committee Member), Association of Cricket Umpires Sri Lanka of 8 (eight) (President or Nominee, General Secretary or Assistant Secretary, Treasure or nominee, Chairman (Vice President), Western, Southern, Central or North Western, Rest of Provinces representative Nominated by the ACUSL) and Prominent past / former National, First Class Cricketers, Cricket Administrators, and Sports Journalist / Editors.
The total number of persons making up the panel will be decided jointly by Dialog Axiata / the Sunday Times Management.
As discussed by the Organising Committee Dialog 4G-the Sunday Times Schoolboy Cricketer 2019
Guidelines, Criteria and Method for Calculation of Points for Ranking
A. Premier Schools Segment : (Division 1)
(a). Individual Awards:-
1. Each century scored in the same Segment will receive 03 points.
In the event of a player scoring a double century an additional point (01) will be awarded.
2. Each century / double century scored against Emerging School matches will receive 02 points.
3. Each century / double century scored against Up and Coming School matches will receive 01 points.
4. 600 Runs and above will receive total 02 points.
5. 8000 Runs and above will receive 03 points.
6. 1000 Runs and above will receive 04 points
7. 25 wickets or more will receive 03 points.
8. 50 wickets or more will receive 05 points.
9. 75 wickets and above will receive 07 points.
10. 100 wicket and above will receive 09 points.
11. 5 wickets in an innings in the same Segment will receive 03 points.
12. Match bag of 10 wickets in the same Segment will receive additional 01 point.
12. 5 wickets in an innings in the Emerging Segment will receive 02 points.
(b). All Rounder:-
Points earned from Batting and Bowling to be considered. Fielding (Best Fielder, Wicketkeeper awards) will be taken into consideration by the Selection Panel.
(c). Team Awards
1. Outright WIN against the same Segment schools will receive 05 points.
2. Team WIN against Emerging schools will receive 02 points.
3. Each outright LOSS against same Segment school 06 points will be deducted.
4. Each outright LOSS against Lower Segments (Emerging and Up and Coming) school 07 points will be deducted.
B. Emerging Schools:- Segment 2 (Division 2)
Individual Awards:
1. Each century scored in the same Segment will receive 03 points.
In the event of a player scoring a double century an additional point (01) will be awarded.
2. Each century / double century scored against a Higher Division (Div 1) matches will receive 04 points.
3. Each century / double century scored against a Lower Division (Div 3) matches will receive 02 points.
4. 600 Runs and above will receive total 02 points.
5. 800 Runs and above will receive 03 points.
6. 1000 Runs and above will receive 04 points
7. 25 wickets or more will receive 03 points.
8. 50 wickets or more will receive 05 points.
9. 75 wickets and above will receive 07 points.
10. 100 wicket and above will receive 09 points.
11. 5 wickets in an innings in the same Segment will receive 03 points.
12. Match bag of 10 wickets in the same Segment will receive additional 01 point.
13. 5 wickets in an innings against a Higher Division (Div 1) will receive 04 points.
14. Match bag of 10 wickets in the Higher Division will receive additional 02 point.
15. 5 wickets in an innings against a Lower Division (Div 3) will receive 02 points.
(b). All Rounder:-
Points earned from Batting and Bowling to be considered. Fielding (Best Fielder, Wicketkeeper awards) will be taken into consideration by the Selection Panel.
(c). Team Awards
1. Outright WIN against the same Segment schools will receive 05 points.
2. Team WIN against Higher Division schools will receive 07 points.
3. Team WIN against Lower Division schools will receive 02 points.
4. Each outright LOSS against same Segment school 06 points will be deducted.
5. Each outright LOSS against Higher Segment school 03 points will be deducted.
6. Each outright LOSS against Lower Segment school 07 points will be deducted.
C. Up and Coming Schools:- Segment 3 (Division 3)
(a). Individual Awards:-
1. Each century scored in the same Segment will receive 03 points.
In the event of a player scoring a double century an additional point (01) will be awarded.
2. Each century / double century scored against a Higher Division matches will receive 04 points.
3. 600 Runs and above will receive total 02 points.
4. 800 Runs and above will receive 03 points.
5. 1000 Runs and above will receive 04 points
6. 25 wickets or more will receive 03 points.
7. 50 wickets or more will receive 05 points.
8. 75 wickets and above will receive 07 points.
9. 100 wicket and above will receive 09 points.
10 5 wickets in an innings in the same Segment will receive 03 points.
11. Match bag of 10 wickets in the same Segment will receive additional 01 point.
12. 5 wickets in an innings against a Higher Division will receive 04 points.
13. Match bag of 10 wickets in the Higher Division will receive additional 02 point.
(b). All Rounder:-
Points earned from Batting and Bowling to be considered. Fielding (Best Fielder, Wicketkeeper awards) will be taken into consideration by the Selection Panel.
(c). Team Awards
1. Outright WIN against the same Segment schools will receive 05 points.
2. Team WIN against Higher Division schools will receive 07 points.
3. Each outright LOSS against same Segment school 06 points will be deducted.
4. Each outright LOSS against Higher Segment school 03 points will be deducted.
D. Special Award:. Dialog 4G Awards.
1. Dialog 4G. Fastest to reach 1000 Runs.- Premier Schools.
2. Dialog 4G. Fastest to reach 100 wickets- Premier Schools.
3. Dialog 4G. Fast Bowler – Premier Schools.
4. Dialog 4G Spine Bowler- Premier Schools
• In the event of information not provided the Selection Panel will decide of an appropriate winner.

Organising Committee Dialog 4G- the Sunday Times –Schoolboy Cricketer-2019