Home » Magazine » Arts9 to 14s give rein to their creativity in ‘Eagle Eyes and other tales’

A young girl does a good turn by helping an eagle and in return, the mother eagle turns the girl into one, allowing her to experience the world through the eyes of an eagle. This short story, titled ‘Eagle Eyes’ written by 12-year-old Alisha Rebert is published along with 17 other stories by her peers [...]
Looking chic in handloom

Designer and choreographer Senaka de Silva is a grand master when it comes to putting on a show. At the Sri Lanka Exhibition and Convention Centre he unveiled the beauty and wearability of Sri Lankan handlooms in the ‘Handloom Fashion Week’ presented by the Department of Textile Industry, Ministry of Industry and Commerce, leaving the [...]
Novelty of Kandyan dance brings Met audiences to their feet

Performing at the Met was the most prestigious moment for young Sri Lankan dancers Thaji Dias and Sanduni Sulochani and Waruna Sri Hemachandra of the Chitrasena Vajira Dance Foundation. “New York is more like a world hub for dance. To have world famous dancers and choreographers like Mikhail Baryshnikov and Mark Morris in the audience [...]
Thinking about a life after school?

As Howard Huff bluntly put it “… it wasn’t raining when Noah built the ark”. You don’t wait for the opportunity to present itself, you always prepare in advance. Life after school can be a shocking change from the sheltered world of the classroom. To help students navigate smoothly into the world of adulthood, the [...]