Political turmoil, depreciation of the rupee and bad weather conditions have all resulted in rising costs of essential ingredients ahead of the festive season. Cake ingredients and textiles have shot up in price. Traders claim the depreciation of the rupee is also affecting the cost of these items. Meanwhile, vegetable vendors say the recent spell [...]


Christmas amid political crises


Political turmoil, depreciation of the rupee and bad weather conditions have all resulted in rising costs of essential ingredients ahead of the festive season.

Story and pix by Priyantha Wickramarachchi

Cake ingredients and textiles have shot up in price. Traders claim the depreciation of the rupee is also affecting the cost of these items.

Meanwhile, vegetable vendors say the recent spell of bad weather has affected production, resulting in the increase in prices of vegetables.

The unsettled political situation has affected trading and resulted in a lower turnover. Some wholesale traders claim that, despite statements made by politicians regarding reduced taxes on sugar, imported onions and potatoes, none of these benefits were reflected in the markets.

“We are in a quandary over the price of consumer items said M.J Munasinghe, a wholesale trader in Pettah. Though former Ministers claimed to have reduced prices, this not yet a reality.

Despite the government having reduced fuel prices the benefits have not been passed on to the passengers as yet.

With 15 days left for Christmas, consumers and traders alike and are hoping the political situation will stabilise and normalcy returns.

Rising prices coupled with the political crisis has resulted in customers reducing the quantity of goods purchased

A manual worker carries bags of precious cashew-nuts, a critical ingredient for Christmas cake

Trading is not as brisk this season -a reaction to rising prices and market instability

A customer looks on anxiously as a vendor weighs out her order

Despite politicians claims to have reduced taxes on imported products it is not reflected in prices

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