Introduction:  The fledgling CMCA was founded two years ago by Mahes De Zoysa, a former Anandian wicket-keeper/batsman, who played semi-professional League Cricket in England for thirty years. On his return, it was Mahes’ burning desire to get ex-players active again at the sport they loved, with the intention of pitting their skills against local and, [...]


Colombo Masters hosts match against Sydney Royal College Old Boys



The fledgling CMCA was founded two years ago by Mahes De Zoysa, a former Anandian wicket-keeper/batsman, who played semi-professional League Cricket in England for thirty years. On his return, it was Mahes’ burning desire to get ex-players active again at the sport they loved, with the intention of pitting their skills against local and, more importantly, foreign sides as well. As is well-known, most sportsmen in Sri Lanka over the age of thirty-five or so, like nothing more than to “put a couple of shots and a good buth adiya”, and sleep their week-ends off!

Along with Vice Presidents Mohan Rodrigo and Dharsha Abeywardena, he convinced all fifty-something semi or fully-retired gentlemen – to put the nuts and bolts into forging the CMCA.

Established home grounds: 

At the outset, the CMCA had to have an established home. After approaching a few clubs in Colombo without achieving satisfactory terms, fortuitously, Udaya Yatawara, the then GM of Tamil Union Cricket and Athletic Club and member of CMCA, approached Hony General Secretary of the Club, Jayalingam Nareshkumar, to allow CMCA to be housed there.

After all, it is the original home of cricket in Sri Lanka, and a fitting home for the Classic Cricketers of CMCA! Mahes was able to secure a working arrangement to use the P Sara Oval and the Club’s facilities.

Since weekends could be difficult to accommodate CMCA’s needs, especially during the cricket season from July to April, it was agreed that CMCA practice sessions and matches would be arranged on Saturdays (practice) and week-days (matches). Back-up venues have also been arranged with Austasia Indoor (practices) and Wesley College (matches).


CMCA has over forty fully paid-up members, and has teams playing at the Over-50 and Over-60 levels. The matches are mainly thirty-over affairs, followed by boisterous fellowship, embodying the true spirit of Cricket! The same applies for practices, and numerous Members’ social events are held at the P Sara Oval at various times of the year. Spouses lend colour to the events! By virtue of a special arrangement, CMCA’ers are enrolled as Corporate Members of TUC and AC as well, so they can enjoy the facilities privately with their families.

Foreign and local tours: 

The Association has even ventured out to Malaysia and played matches over there – not once but twice. Tours are being planned to New Zealand, Pakistan, Australia, India and the UK over the next few years.

There are a steady stream of Seniors’ teams from these countries whom CMCA has been playing against and established contacts with. The Association also tours the island to play against opponents locally. A good time is had by all!

Charitable engagements: 

Another important facet of CMCA is its charitable work supporting Young Cricketers country-wide. It has donated several cricket kits to deserving schools.

Sponsors and well-wishers: 

An Association of this nature cannot run on its own steam forever. CMCA is ever grateful to its Sponsors at various times – Kreeda magazine UK, Coconut Miracle, JAT Holdings, Jagro Strawberries, Singer and a host of well-wishers who continue to support the Association in cash and kind.


Anyway, getting back to the heading of this article, the Sydney Old Royalists, skippered by ex-Royal captain Prasanna Kariyawasam and featuring many players of yester-year, will be playing the unbeaten CMCA Over-60’s team in a thirty-over match at Wesley College Grounds at Campbell Park on 18thDecember 2018. The CMCA team will be selected from: Hiran Fernando (Captain), Rohan Perera, Deepal Ahangama, Panitha Wijesundara, Chrys De Silva, Asoka Wickramaratne, Sunil Wijeyeratne, Mahes De Zoysa (WK), Hemasiri Nanayakkara, Tissa Wijeratne, Lionel Gunasekera, Rodney Perera, Peter Dekker.

Everyone is invited to come and watch the match. Mahes will be a proud and happy man!

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