Christmas Memories

“Higher! Mary higher,” children chorused as lifted high in big strong arms she placed the glittering star on the topmost bough of the Christmas tree. “So, this is Christmas!” she whispered sharing a smile and a memory of Christmas Past with her mother who was putting in the last stitches on her angel costume. Round-eyed, [...]
Christmas Open Day at British Council

The Christmas Edition Open Day for 6 to 15 year olds was conducted at the British Council Library, Colombo on December 15, 2018. The programme comprised Puppetry, Craft, Story-telling and Christmas Carols. Pix by M. A. Pushpa Kumara and Ranjith Perera
Kids’ World
Human relationships Every human being has relationships since he or she is born. Our first relationship is with our parents. As we grow up we form more relationships with siblings, cousins and friends. When we go to school we get a new relation. They are our teachers. As we grow older, we form even more [...]