Art has no barriers

Students of the Kuliyapitiya University Science Faculty (2016-2018 batches) picked a different kind of venue to hold an art exhibition recently. They opted to display art in a washroom. Pic by Hiran Priyankara Jayasinghe
Make Political Victimisation Report public: CTU
The Ceylon Teachers Union (CTU) called on the government to make public the Political Victimisation Report handed over to President Maithripala Sirisena last week. CTU General Secretary, Joseph Stalin said that the Political Victimisation Committee had handed over the report to President Sirisena on 21 November, but nothing had been heard of it so far. [...]
Delay in A/Level results hamper students: CTU
The Examinations Department (ED) delay in releasing GCE Advanced Level 2018 results will cause problems to students awaiting results, the Ceylon Teachers Union (CTU) said. General Secretary, Joseph Stalin said that the delay will setback students waiting to apply to foreign universities. This will also hamper them from obtaining scholarships, he added. The ED scheduled [...]
Five-year master plan for WP schools
The Western Provincial Education Ministry (WPEM) will put into effect a 5-year master plan for schools in the province aimed at all educational levels, a senior ministry official said. The plan, which will be monitored online, will have details of infrastructure development plans, financial allocations, teacher requirements, examination results analysis, among others, Deputy Director (Planning), [...]
A/L results delayed due to payment dispute
Following an error in a letter issued by the Examinations Department (ED) to the marking centres on payments to teachers marking the Maths paper, several teachers refrained from paper marking. The Ceylon Teachers Union (CTU) said that the ED had inadvertently typed Rs70 an hour instead of Rs90, and teachers at marking centres had protested [...]
International Science and Technology conference to be held
The 6th Ruhunu International Science and Technology conference (RISTCON 2019) organised by the Ruhunu University Science Faculty will be held early next year. The conference to be held on January 19, 2019 will provide an international platform for scientists, researchers and research students, both from Sri Lanka and overseas institutions. The focus will be on [...]
Students who vandalised school property directed to atasil programme

A group of students who vandalised school property in the Matara area were ordered by the Police to follow religious observances, instead of being produced in courts and punished. During the school holidays, 15 students entered the school premises and damaged water pipes, the library and the door of the shrine room. The students, who [...]
J’Pura Uni offers workshop on materials characterisations
The Instrument Centre of the Sri Jayewardenepura University Applied Sciences Faculty is offering a two-day, hands-on workshop focused on materials characterisations. The workshop will provide a working knowledge of each technique and how these methods are used to characterise material properties. Both general concepts and specific examples will be used to illustrate how these methods [...]
Seasonal cheer at The Paynter Home

Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe and Prof Maithree Wickramasinghe spent time at The Paynter Home for children in Nuwara Eliya during the Christmas season. The Prime Minister and Mrs Wickramasinghe presented gift parcels to the children and posed for a group picture. Pix by Shelton Hettiaarachchi
Army distributes school supplies to children
The Security Force Headquarters – Wanni (SFHQ-W) distributed school items to 60 needy students in the Wanni region recently. This welfare project took place under the Civil Military Coordination (CIMIC) programme held at the Veheratenna Roshan Mahanama Vidyalaya. The programme was sponsored by well-wishers on a request made by the SFHQ-W. The army earlier distributed [...]
“Improve your communication skills” – An Enjoyable New Year’s Resolution
Another year has come and gone and yet we see many people lamenting the fact that this year has flown so fast and how so little has been accomplished during this time. While many Lankans fall back on more common resolutions like working out to stay healthy, starting a new diet, developing a new skill [...]
“It’s thanks to strong student support services at ANC I got into my dream college – York University of Canada”

With 17 years of transforming lives, ANC has long recognised the importance of providing a range of well-defined educational pathways. ANC US / Canada University Transfer Programmes enable ANC students to transfer to a well-accredited US/ Canadian universities of international repute to complete a four-year degree after completing up to 2 years at ANC. It [...]
A British LLB Degree with a unique 2+1 transfer option now at NCHS

Very recently, the Nawaloka College of Higher Studies (NCHS) entered into a landmark partnership with Ulster University to launch a new LLB programme. During the first two years, students will follow the lectures in Colombo, which will mirror on a weekly basis what is being taught at Ulster through a curriculum and syllabus that maintains [...]
Start 2019 with a World Renowned Degree
The New Year brings new resolutions and dreams of greater success and fulfillment. It is a time to analyze the past year, learn from its challenge and plan for a better year to come. Education is important because it gives people the basic foundation to thrive. These skills include the ability to communicate, complete tasks [...]
Leading Higher Education Institutes & Universities to be at Maldives International Education & Career Expo 2019
Education is indeed the bedrock for the future success of a youth, a Country and a Generation. It is an undeniable truth that a sound secondary and tertiary education would most certainly pave a path of greater success for the individual and society at large. This truth has been ingrained in citizens of Maldives to [...]
Final opportunity to become a graduate chemist within 4 years through the only internationally accredited special degree level programme in Sri Lanka

The Institute of Chemistry Ceylon has announced that A/L qualified students have a final chance to make a late registration to join the internationally accredited Graduateship Programme in Chemistry offered by College of Chemical Sciences at its own headquarters at Adamantane House at 341/22, Off Kotte Road, Welikada, Rajagiriya (near Post Office) ,The standard of this programme is equivalent to a special (honours) degree in Chemistry from any recognized [...]
USA: Find yourself here NCHS offers US degree transfer programme

United States of America is known as the land where dreams come true. It is no wonder therefore as to why the motto states ‘find yourself here.’ People from all over the world flock to America for an improved life. California and New York in particular stand out, as those are hubs of development. California [...]
A new concept to gain guaranteed admission to any preferred Australian university
Parents naturally dream of a secured & comfortable future for their children. This is possible only through an uninterrupted quality education which will equip the child with knowledge, skills and self-confidence thereof to meet the demands of employability of the modern world. Important factors such as affordability and even the probability of settling down in [...]
A Letter to you from
“I am the greatest. I said that even before I knew I was. I figured that if I said it enough, I would convince the world that I really was the greatest.” To those who needs motivation,I was born as Cassius Marcellus Clay Jr. at 6:35 p.m. on January 17, 1942, in Louisville, Kentucky to [...]
Do you dare to read about the secrets of Area 51?

It’s the most famous military installation in the world, yet it doesn’t officially exist. Area 51 is a site for covert Cold War operations and has long been a magnet for crackpots, conspiracy theorists, and the overly curious. While there may not be truth to the rumours that Area 51 is a haven for UFO’s [...]
Colombo International Institute of Higher Education (CIIHE) – Platinum Sponsor for Edex Expo 2019
Colombo International Institute of Higher Education (CIIHE) is proud to announce its collaboration with EDEX Expo Education Exhibition and Career Fair as the Platinum sponsor for the 3rd consecutive time. As the premium sponsor for Edex Expo 2019, CIIHE has demonstrated its strong support and commitment to the quality and modern private higher education in [...]
Top 10 Indian higher education institutes Participate in EDEX Education Expo-2019
Top 10 Indian higher education institutes which are Delhi Technological University-New Delhi, Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University-Gujrat, Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology-Orissa, Marwadi Education Foundation’s Group of Institutions-Gujarat, CV Raman Group of Institutions-Odisha, Indian Institute of Science Education and Research-Kolkata, Sri Sivasubramaniya Nadar College of Engineering-Tamil Nadu, Tata Institute of Social Sciences-Mumbai, Acharya & BM Reddy College [...]
Study MBBS/ MD in Russia

Russian Educational Center (REC) together with the Cultural Section of the Russian Embassy has been directing Sri Lankan students for Medicine/Dentistry/Engineering for more than 20 years and has become the number 01 Foreign Educational Provider in the country with the excellent service given to the nation. REC in collaboration with several world renowned universities from [...]
Learn Pearson HND @ HRMI –
1. ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE At HRMI, for Pearson BTEC HND students, the Distinction – Merit Success Rate is 86%. This reflects the students’ ultimate success in pursuing their studies. How does HRMI achieve such a high success rate? HRMI provides; n For each and every student, HRMI offers a dedicated personal tutor to sort out any [...]
University of Vocational Technology to Enroll 1500 Students in April 2019: The Earliest among National Universities

The University of Vocational Technology advertised for its 2019 intake for both weekday and weekend programmes, today, the 30th of December2018, will conduct the Aptitude Test in February, and will register students in early April, 2019. The University has called for applications from those who have NVQ qualifications and from those who have passedGCE AL [...]
Higher Education via Skills Development

Skills development and Vocational Education plays a vital role in Human resource Development of the country by creating skilled manpower, enhancing industrial productivity and improving the quality of life. University Collagesconduct courses and programs in Engineering, Technology, Management, Logistics, Planning, Craftsmanship, Hotel Management and Food Technology with many more programs in vocational stream. High quality [...]
CINEC to hold Open Day on January 5, 2019

CINEC Campus will open its doors to 2018 A/L students and their parents on Saturday 5th January 2019to explore the potential educational avenues available to them, leading to a successful career in the future. Potential students attending the Open Day could also get a head start to their educational aspirations with amazing discounts offered to [...]
Lifelong love of learning
Every parent wants to give their children the very best start in life, positioning them for a lifelong love of learning, poised for success. If your child is to grab all of the opportunities that life sends their way, and make the best of their talents and abilities, we have to engender a love of [...]
SLIIT Funded Grant Pioneers Research to Develop Autism Assessment Tool

December 20, 2018: SLIIT, the nation’s largest degree awarding institute also recognised for excellence in research has funded a research grant to develop a groundbreaking Autism Assessment Tool. While an Autism diagnosis covers a spectrum of children with a wide range of skills and impairments, the diversity of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) make it difficult [...]
Old Anandians 75-80 Group New Committee for Year 2018-2019

At the Annual General Meeting of Old Anandians 75-80 Group held on 2nd of November 2018 was a well attended affair. After observing Religious precepts & paying respects to the Founders, Demised old Anandians the meeting got underway. A successful year under the helm of President Prasanna Premaratne was presented highlighting the events of the [...]
Study in Europe with Schengen visa & Part Time Jobs BACHELOR & MASTER

Riga Technical University – Latvia The Dream of every student is to enter a State University in Sri Lanka after completing the Advanced Level Exam but according to the current situation in the Education System, most of the children are unable to fulfill the eligibility and fails to find the correct path for Higher Education. [...]
‘Let the dreams set sail’
Are you one of those thousands of youth weighing options right now for the future of your life as a professional ? If you possess an adventurous spirit and the thirst to explore the world while climbing up the career ladder, Merchant Navy is your best option. 90% of the world’s global trade is still [...]
ANC joins in congratulating Dr. Dinusha Weerawardane on her election to the Global Council of ACCA

Dr. Dinusha Weerawardane, a distinguished alumna of University of West London (UWL) and ANC School of Postgraduate Education, was the first Sri Lankan to be elected to the global council, the governing body of ACCA. ACCA council members are a diverse group of high flying business professionals from around the world. Dr. Dinusha has proved [...]
Need for aspiring CAs to strengthen their emotional intelligence highlighted at CA Sri Lanka Training Partners Forum
Over 100 Supervising Members came together at the annual Training Partners Forum organised by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka (CA Sri Lanka). At the forum, the need to inculcate aspiring Chartered Accountants with professional skills and to specifically strengthen their emotional intelligence which will help them make better decisions while working under [...]
EIPEL Campus 15th Anniversary Convocation

European Institute of Professional Education known as EIPEL campus was established in the year 2003 to provide access to tertiary & higher education to Sri Lankans in cooperation with international universities and higher education providers.Since then EIPEL Campus have given the opportunity to many Sri Lankans to achieve their academic & professional goals. EIPEL Campus [...]
OKIANS Walk 2018: Inspiring Generations

OKI International School, held their annual walk recently celebrating their 20th anniversary. This colourful event was graced with the presence of the school’s staff, old and present pupils with well wishers and bands providing music to the young and not so old pupils renewed their bonds off the class rooms. Clad in various colourful costumes [...]
“Institute of Vocational Studies (IVS)”

In an era when more attention is directed at the overseas education sphere, the tendency of going out of the country and getting educated in overseas universities has increased. The main reason for this is that only a very small number of students that pass the G.C.E. (Advanced Level) Examination get the opportunity of entering [...]
Foresight and Innovation for Public Sector Excellence

The Citra Social Innovation Lab in partnership with the Ministry of Public Administration, Management, Law and Order, the Presidential Secretariat and SLIDA, conducts a 5-day programme on Foresight and Innovation for Public Service Excellence Colombo, 26 November 2018 – Recognizing the vital role of a strong public sector in the achievement of Sri Lanka’s ambitious [...]
Learning tour students from the University of New England, Australia

Spectrum Institute of Science & Technology has a well-established reputation for conducting various collaborative learning programs for locals as well as international students at different academic levels in the developing field of science and technology. At present SIST is facilitating 10 students and 2 mentors from the University of New England, Australia. The goal of [...]
Are you after O/Level? Join the Foundation in Science (FIS) to realize your dream at IMC

FOUNDATION IN SCIENCE (FIS) PRE-MEDICINE ADVANCED LEVEL EMBEDDED PROGRAM FOR STUDENTS AFTER O/LS IMC is the only approved and accredited learning centre of Vitebsk State Medical University (VSMU) Republic of Belarus, and Lincoln American University (LAU) Guyana, South America to deliver their Foundation in Science(FIS) Pre-Medicine Advanced Level Embedded program in Sri Lanka for both [...]
AIC Campus University transfer / degree completion program

8 Month University Foundation Programme after Local or London O/Level, and DirectUniversity entry with A/Level results AIC Campus provides the most flexible and the most cost effective Global University Transfer Programme in Sri Lanka by allowing students to study one or two years at the state-of-the-art AIC Campus in Sri Lankaand Transfer to a destination [...]
Two Faculties and Four Schools of CIIHE expected to internationalize Sri Lankan Private Higher Education

The Colombo Institutes Group, one of south Asia’s leading Private Higher Education Organisations announced a major restructuring of its partner institutes, as a crucial step in its strategic plan to achieve its goal of becoming a Leading Academic and Research Institution in Asia. As a result, with effect from January 2019, CIRP (Colombo Institute of [...]
Bethany Nursery School celebrates Seasonal Holidays

Bethany Nursery School in Negombo celebrated her Annual Concert “Sparkling Blossoms” under the patronage of Mr. Oswald Salgadu in the Ave Maria Auditorium. Here are the little ones in action.
CMA Sri Lanka 15th Graduation Ceremony 2018

The Institute of certified Management Accountants of Sri Lanka (CMA) held its 15th Graduation ceremony under the distinguished patronage of the Australian High Commissioner in Sri Lanka H/E Bryce Hutchesson on 11th December 2018 at Kingsbury Balmoral Ballroom. The Key Note speaker was Prof. Peter Carey, Head of Accounting of Deakin University Australia, Mr. Leslie [...]
What is a Foundation Programme? And why do it?
What do you do after O/L’s? The ‘traditional’ answer and the next step many would take would be A/L’s. Whilst sitting for A/L’s has been the norm to date, things are changing. With the world moving faster day by day and life becoming a rat race, there are alternate routes you can take to get [...]
OKI International School Wattala, Kandana, Kiribathgoda, Negombo Christmas Carols – 2018

OKI International School – Wattala together with the Young Minds, Kandana, Kiribathgoda, and Negombo Schools held their Annual Christmas Carols – 2018 at the Junior School premises with the gracious participation of the Chief Guest Rev. Fr. Sanjeewa Mendis, Parish Priest of St. Anne’s Church, Wattala, Chairperson of the OKI Network Mrs. Nirmalie Saparamadu under [...]
Study medicine after Advanced Level

Admissions for Feb, April and Sept. 2019 Intakes Now Open: International Medical Campus (IMC) the Sri Lanka’s undisputed leader in Overseas Medical Placements to world’s leading Medical Universities across the Europe, Eastern Europe, Asia andSouth Americais inviting applicants to apply for the MBBS/MD programs offered at its partner universitiesfor Year 2019 February, April and September [...]
ST. Mary’s Montessori Christmas Concert and Convocation
St. Mary’s Montessori celebrated their 34th Christmas Concert and convocation on the 22nd of November 2018 at BMICH main hall, conducted by the Principal Mrs. Antoinette Samaranayake, Vice –Principal Miss. Thakshila Jayatilake and the staff. The chief guest was Very Rev. Dr. Susith Silva, Phd in Psychology (USA), our guests of honour Visharada Chandrika Siriwardhana, [...]
St. Joseph’s are the Papare Under-20 Football champs

St. Joseph’s College, Colombo defeated Hameed Al Husseinie College in the final of the ‘The Papare under 20 All Island Football tournament’, to emerge champions in the senior category for the third consecutive year. It is a truly stupendous achievement considering the competition from other renowned schools in football like Zahira College, Colombo, Maris Stella, [...]
Chandima of Leeds IS, Galle becomes the youngest to skydive from 12,000 feet

Chandima Parasathu Wijetunga became the youngest Sri Lankan to skydive from a height of 12,000 feet, when he achieved this feat at the ‘Sky Fever Festival’ in Koggala. Chandima, 16, a student of Leeds International School in Galle, achieved this at the Air Force Base in Koggala witnessed by thousands of sports enthusiasts. Chandima’s parents [...]
NCC and CCC share honours at 13th MCA Inter Academy Junior League Tournament
The two neighboring Cricket Academies, NCC and CCC shared the honours at the 13th MCA Inter Academy Junior 30-Over League Tournaments 2018, concluded on Poya Day, December 22, at the MCA Grounds. In the U-13 final played in the morning, CCC scored a comfortable eight-wicket win over MCA ‘Blue’ and in the U-15 final that [...]
Senuri and Nuwan grab TT honours

Senuri Apsara of Pushpadana Girls’ College, Kandy and Nuwan Chamara of Vidyartha College, Kandy grabbed the Girls and Boys Under-18 titles at the Table Tennis Tournament organised by the Gampola Table Tennis Academy and Kuruduwatta Royal College TT Players’ Parents Guild held at the Nawalapitiya Jayatilleke Indoor Stadium recently. Over hundred TT players both girls [...]
Rewards and achievements at BSC Awards Ceremony

The Senior School Awards Ceremony of the British School in Colombo (BSC) was held at the Nelum Pokuna Auditorium recently under the patronage of Chief Guest, Professor Page Fortna. The Awards Ceremony was a celebration of achievement and success and in recognition of targets set and goals achieved. The Awards Ceremony recognised achievements in a [...]
Zahira Group of 93 emerge Bowling Champions

Zahira College Colombo Batch 95 organised the second annual Bowling Tournament 2018 among the old boys groups at the Excel World in Darley Road, Colombo. Group of 93 became champions in the final and captain of the winning team Atheek Haniffa received Rupees 40,000 as cash award and the trophy from main sponsor, Dillmaaz Logistics [...]